
Father Doom thinks general AI systems will be around by 2030 with less code #John Carmack (189229)

John Carmack said that the capacity of the human brain is not really high, but it can remember and conceive a lot of content. The reason is that there are about 86 billion neurons in the brain, and they can individually form more than 100 trillion groups of connections, and these neurons can be considered as artificial intelligence The parameters are in the system, so it does not require much ability to produce “thought”.

John Carmack, who has the title “Father of Doom”, believes that compared to most current artificial intelligence systems that can only be used in specific areas, general purpose artificial intelligence will can be widely used coming out before 2030, and at the same time requires less programs Code can be built, and drive more than one trillion US dollars in production value.

John Carmack believes that by simulating the way the human brain works, along with the automatic content generation technology, it will be possible to match the massive computing power with shorter codes.

If the Chrome browser currently built by Google contains about 20 to 30 million lines of code, John Carmack said that an ideal general artificial intelligence system can operate with only tens of thousands of lines of code at most.

In a further explanation, John Carmack said that the capacity of the human brain is not really high, but it can remember and conceive a lot of content. The reason is that there are about 86 billion neurons in the brain, and they can individually form more than 100 trillion groups of connections, and these neurons Meta can be considered as a parameter in the artificial intelligence system, so it does not require much ability to produce “thought”.

According to John Carmack, compared to the way artificial intelligence worked in the past, which was to compare and analyze large amounts of data, and finally get the most suitable solution, future artificial intelligence will be able to use less code and cooperate with the operation of automatic content generation. In turn, it can simulate the ability of the human brain to generate “thought”, “memory”, and even “conclusion”.

Having recently left Meta, John Carmack is currently focusing on the artificial intelligence technology company Keen Technologies founded in 2019, which aims to create a general artificial intelligence system, hoping to create an artificial intelligence system that can interact with people are more natural.