
Fighting against diabetes ‘7030’… It is important to improve your eating habits

Diabetes is never easy. It is a chronic disease that is difficult to cure once it is found.. On the other hand, diabetes is difficult to detect on your own because symptoms rarely appear during daily life..

Diabetes is a condition in which there is a problem with the secretion of insulin, which prevents glucose from being supplied into cells and blood sugar rises.. Inability to process sugar, high levels of glucose in the blood create high blood sugar. Because the blood becomes sticky, blood circulation becomes difficult..

In addition, the kidney, which has a microvascular structure that is vulnerable to high blood sugar(kidneys)and retina of the eye, Causes disturbances in peripheral nerves. Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic neuropathy is a 3is a major complication. Failure to control blood sugar, Diabetes mellitus leads to complications. Diabetes is really scary because of its complications..

Diabetes is not the only way to treat diabetes by taking only the medicines prescribed by your doctor at the right time.. No matter how good the doctor prescribes, It is difficult to expect the effect of the drug if the patient does not improve his or her lifestyle through diet and exercise..

Strategies in the fight against diabetes ‘7030Rulethere is. Diabetic patients to improve their eating habits 70, exercise to burn calories 30It is a law that can overcome diabetes, a chronic chronic disease, if you follow the rules consistently.. On the other hand, it also emphasized the importance of improving eating habits..

The diet of diabetics is important. Rather than simply eating a lot of certain foods or restricting them, it is desirable to eat meals and snacks at regular times in the right amount for each nutrient. It is not good to distinguish between foods that raise blood sugar and foods that raise blood sugar less.

On the other hand, elderly people who have diabetes and live alone are worried that sugar will rise if eaten properly, so they eat rice and kimchi in the morning., Lunch is simply noodles., In the evening, I often skip meals like stuffing sweet potatoes..

in this regard, Sunghee Choi, Professor of Endocrinology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Health Information YouTube <My Doctor 928episodediabetic diet, Leave it to the pros appear on the side,It is not good to skip meals or to fill up one meal in eggtofuThe basics of a diabetic diet is to eat an appropriate amount of food for each nutrient at regular times, including meat side dishes.said.

# Proper diet for diabetics

eat in moderation

Overeating raises postprandial blood sugar, gain weight. Weight gain interferes with insulin action, May make blood sugar control difficult and increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Get into the habit of putting your spoon down when you feel like eating more..

eat regularly

It is easy to overeat if you do not have regular meal times.. It is difficult to control blood sugar if the amount of food and meal time are not consistent.. Skipping meals while being treated with hypoglycemic agents or insulin increases the risk of hypoglycemia. morningLunchCultivate the habit of eating three meals a day on a regular basis. depending on blood sugar control 2~3You may need a sashimi snack.

Eat all food evenly

A balanced diet is possible by eating a variety of foods without being picky eaters.. When you eat evenly, you feel less hungry and your blood sugar rises slowly..

eat slowly

If you eat too fast, you will feel full later, so it is easy to overeat.. Chew your food for a long time while chatting slowly.

Avoid simple sugars

sugar and candycorn syruphoneysoft drinkcakesnackIce creamFoods containing a lot of simple sugars, such as chocolate, are absorbed quickly and raise blood sugar quickly.. Excessive intake of simple sugars raises blood triglyceride levels. It is better to avoid it as it only increases caloric intake without nutritional value.. When you are very thirsty, drinking water or ice cream will make your blood sugar worse and make your thirst worse..

eat adequate protein

Restricting protein intake in the presence of microalbuminuria as a renal complication of diabetes may slow the progression to renal failure.. However, excessive protein restriction can lead to malnutrition and muscle weakness..

Limit fatty foods

Fat does not raise postprandial blood sugar as much as other nutrients. However, if you consume too many calories, you gain weight and slow the action of insulin, which worsens blood sugar control.. It can also lead to complications such as arteriosclerosis.. Avoid Chinese or fried foods., It is better to eat after removing any visible oil..

eat a lot of fiber

Fiber helps control blood sugar. It is also good for preventing constipation and improving hyperlipidemia.. Eat plenty of vegetables and seaweed. Multigrain rice rather than rice, It is better to eat fresh fruit rather than juice.

eat fresh.

Eating salty raises blood pressure. Increased risk of kidney complications. Eat soups or stews with ingredients rather than broth.. Kimchi or salted fishReduce intake of pickled foods such as pickles. Food is freshly seasoned.