
Fighting depression in the post-epidemic era of acute late COVID-19 syndrome becomes a new focus-Health-HiNet Lifestyle

[NOW Health Wang Shuqing/Taipei Report]New coronary pneumonia has affected the lives of people around the world for nearly two years. In addition to threatening lives and causing physical pain, the medical team of the Department of Psychiatry at National Taiwan University Hospital has discovered some cases. Even after the viral infection is cured, there are still residual neuropsychiatric symptoms that last for several months, including insomnia, depression, exhaustion, confusion, memory loss, heart palpitations, etc., which academics call “acute late-stage neo-coronary pneumonia syndrome.”

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The new crown pneumonia epidemic affects emotions and causes mental stress on global people

Depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment are more related to nerve inflammation caused by infection, decreased neurotransmitters, and local hypoxic damage to the brain caused by thrombosis. Among them, the monoamine neurotransmitters are defective due to inflammation, and the case may experience symptoms such as depression, inability to feel happiness, negative thinking, and suicidal ideation. Therefore, the note-taking team of the Department of Psychiatry at National Taiwan University Hospital assesses the patient’s mental health through video calls and other methods during the patient’s hospitalization. Emotional distress and sleep disorders can be detected early, and continuous outpatient clinics can be arranged after the patient is discharged. Tracking, using mild mental soothing drugs, combined with rehabilitation and exercise to make symptoms faster.

On the other hand, when the epidemic in a country expands, people are afraid of the virus and avoid all kinds of daily things that may be contagious. The epidemic caused panic among the general public, resulting in a panic buying and hoarding of livelihood products. Many people do not dare to go out. When watching TV at home, they often unknowingly eat too much unhealthy food. Coupled with all kinds of true and false news on social media, it has caused more anxiety. Some countries have observed that home isolation policies have caused people to feel involuntary in their lives, and that psychological stress and insomnia have increased. What followed was the increase in the sales of alcohol, the habit of drinking alcohol at home became more common, and even the impulsive behavior of domestic violence and Internet gambling also increased.Although many of the above-mentioned problems are not symptoms of COVID-19, they are the collateral effects of the mental stress and psychological impact on the global people since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Disrupt the original regular work and rest and treatment makes the patient’s condition worse

In order to avoid infectious diseases, for patients with psychological distress and mental illness, although the behavior of keeping physical distance can effectively prevent the epidemic, at the same time, it may prevent the support of family, community, and medical treatment from continuously assisting the patient. In many countries, hospital day rehabilitation or community day care centers have suspended operations in order to reduce the risk of infection when the epidemic is severe.Some studies have pointed out that after the regular schedule and frequency of treatment are interrupted, patients diagnosed with dementia, autism, intellectual disability, eating disorders, and personality disorders will all experience deterioration.

Although the Day Rehabilitation Center of the National Taiwan University Hospital Medical Department had to suspend treatment activities for a while, as the vaccination rate increased and the domestic epidemic slowed down, the main treatment has been resumed with the professional assistance of the infection control center of this hospital. Activities, continue to care for patients.

▲Mood thermometer. (Photo/Provided by National Taiwan University Hospital)

Physiology and psychology should be integrated and treated 5 principles of peace of mind, both inside and outside

Physical and mental health are two sides that influence each other. Physical and psychological treatment and care should be integrated in order to properly respond to the challenges brought by the new coronary pneumonia to mankind. In order to let patients and their families better understand the physical and mental health issues of new coronary pneumonia, the Department of Psychiatry will introduce the psychological impact of new coronary pneumonia on patients who have been infected and on the general public, as well as how to deal with common insomnia problems. Stable body and mind in the era of epidemic. Psychological stress or insomnia caused by the epidemic,It can be improved by adhering to the 5 peace-of-mind principles of “Quiet and Hope”

1. Safety:Promote safety. Whether in isolation at home or in a hospital, safety is the most important thing. Wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, monitoring your health, and taking proper care, protect yourself as well as protect others.

2. Calming:Promote calmness and composure. Take a deep breath, relax, rest, sleep, adjust your emotions and think positively.

3. Efficacy:Enhance the sense of efficacy. Even in an isolated environment, there are still some things that you can master. Swipe your phone, read a book, do exercises and even write down your experience and diary, arrange for proper shifts in your work and rest, and regain your sense of self-control.

4.繫(connectedness):Promote connections. “Isolation” does not mean losing contact with the outside world. People who have been quarantined can still use the current convenience of the Internet and electronic media to pay attention to all kinds of information about the epidemic, and use video and telephone to maintain communication with the outside world. I will feel that I am not alone, not abandoned, but also relieved and supported.

5.望(instilling hope):Infuse hope. Skip negative thinking and maintain positive hope. Don’t just pay attention to negative information and reports, trust yourself and the medical staff. Encourage yourself and don’t give up hope.

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