
fortune telling Star warp period, the second half of 2022

From now on until the end of 2022 is the time when the stars warp. Starting from Saturn (7), Uranus (0), Jupiter (5), Mercury (4) and Mars (3) are considered irregularities. There will be life-changing changes. The best-the worst is-death with all human beings..

“The law of Karma is always fair”

who is the perpetrator that person must atone for himself Either slow or fast.. The use of superstitions, demonic arts, or strange ceremonies, can’t cure karma, cut karma, reduce karma. It’s only a moment to fool yourself.

“Merit” is the one that will save you from all disasters. No matter how perverted orbit the stars are.. Merit does not wash away karma but to compose our minds to be willing to pay for the evil deeds at that time With a happy mind..

Ascendant Aries, Gemini, Singh and Aquarius

Almost 7 years ago, even though I breathed, it was like dying alive. Drowned in the sea of ​​suffering..

The second half of this year, I want to change my life. Appreciate the angels until the end and go to a place where they are happy, beautiful, and very rich.. But people without merit have no way to access sacred things. Make sure to pray and worship God. Pay homage to the Lord will be the love and mercy of all angels Enemies can’t hurt..

“Atanathi Parit” Thao Wessuwan incantation or a giant prayer It is a parittara that Thao Chatum Maharat Tied up at Atanatan City with the elders bringing worship to the Buddha that Thao Vessuwan showed only in the face of the Buddha Come to be a truth to become a power to protect, protect, heal..

According to the request of Thao Chatulokban If any inhuman encroaches upon those who develop the Athanatiyaparita To get difficult.. The undead will be punished by the gods..

Ascendant Taurus, Karuk, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Bow, Dragon, and Min.

Pain and death are common in the world. Most people understand this law of extinction..

but to live in despair lost mourning death It’s much more painful.. It is a time for judgment..

one who collects good deeds Life can be fulfilled by merit..

As for those who have done bad deeds and sins that have resulted in will inevitably begin to walk into the pile of suffering..

Chant “Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta”, a Buddhist mantra that only “people with great merit and prestige” can chant.. Praying every day will be a Dharma medicine that can heal both body and mind. Free from suffering, disease, longevity, turning bad fates into good ones. considered auspicious life Even after death, I will be reborn in the heavenly world..

Boontan is not for sale. want to practice

“A calm mind is happiness.

Despite being overflowing with riches But without merit, one might not even know what true happiness is. rich but not enough No matter how many assets you buy, you will not be out of suffering.. central wiring to be self-sufficient, not wanting A lot of money is not necessary..

Think good, do good, speak good, life is good for sure!!