
Foundation for Basic Science Research completes detailed 3D map of the structure of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels in the nose – Sciencetimes

The Institute of Basic Science (IBS) announced on the 22nd that a research team led by Ko Gyu-young (distinguished professor at the KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science) at the Vascular Research Center has completed a precise three-dimensional map of the blood vessels. and lymphatic vessels in the nose.

The nose is responsible for the sense of smell and is the first portal for outside air to enter the lungs.

In particular, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity also performs the first immune barrier function to block external pathogens and foreign substances.

However, due to the complex structure of the nasal cavity, the three-dimensional structure and cellular features such as the spatial distribution and interconnection of microvessels and lymphatics have not yet been elucidated.

The research team used immunofluorescence staining to observe the location of proteins by reacting with antibodies that bind selectively to specific proteins in cells and tissues.

With this imaging technology, a three-dimensional micromap of microvessels and lymphatic vessels in the nasal cavities of mice and humans was completed, and the characteristics of the immune response identified using single-cell genetic analysis.

As a result, it was confirmed that, in addition to general capillaries, venous sinus vessels that circulate venous blood are distributed over a wide range in the nasal cavity. Typical lymphatic vessel heads are round, while atypical lymphatic vessels with pointed ends make up most of them.

The research team explained that this is specialized to perform an immune response to invading pathogens from the outside.

The research team, who observed changes in blood vessels in the nasal cavity in allergic rhinitis and COVID-19 situations using experimental animal models, confirmed that rhinitis causes venous sinus blood vessels to atrophy and COVID-19 causes inflammation.

The research team also discovered that the venous sinus blood vessels expand abnormally with age, and that physiological and immune functions in the nasal cavity are weakened due to various diseases.

This result, which will be a milestone in nasal immunity research, such as identifying the cause of symptoms of COVID-19 and improving the treatment of rhinitis, was selected as a cover paper in the international journal Nature Cardiovascular Research and published online on the 21st.

Research Fellow Hong Seon-pyo said, “The results of this study suggest that effective nasal immunity against viral infections can be established by activating specialized blood vessels and lymphatic vessels in the nasal cavity.” We plan to expand,” he said.
