
Free Palestine; Nakba commemoration in the 48th minute of the match between Australia and Tunisia

‘Free Palestine’; Nakba commemoration in the 48th minute of the match between Australia and Tunisia

Doha: Tunisian fans hold a banner written ‘Free Palestine’ during Saturday’s Australia-Tunisia match at the Football World Cup in Qatar.

The Tunisian fans raised the flag at 48 minutes of the match. The flag was raised in the 48th minute of the game in reference to the Nakba of 1948, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced from their country by Zionist forces.

Although Palestine failed to qualify for the World Cup, the first in a Middle Eastern country, many fans have raised the Palestinian flag as a symbol between several matches. Apart from Tunisia, fans of other Arab countries also wear Palestinian flags as scarves around their necks in stadiums.

Local supporters also regularly raise the Palestinian flag to bring global attention to the Israeli occupation.

Meanwhile, when journalists come to ask about the World Cup, when they know they are from the Israeli media, the fans are not ready to respond and speak for the liberation of Palestine.

The Nakba or ‘catastrophe’ is the name given by Palestinians to the massacres and forced expulsions carried out by Zionist forces in 1948 as part of the formation of Israel.

Meanwhile, although Qatar and Israel do not officially have diplomatic relations, direct flights between Tel Aviv and Doha have started for the first time.

Football fans and diplomats were allowed to travel for the first time.

Content highlights: Tunisian fans raise a ‘Free Palestine’ flag during a match against Australia to remember Nakba