
From today, the official Korean wording has been changed from ‘Turkey’ to ‘Turkey’.

While Turkey has changed its country name to ‘Türkiye’, starting today (24th), the Korean language will also be officially changed to ‘Türkiye’.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent an official letter this morning recommending the use of the ‘Turkiye’ notation to each government department.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is planning to change the contents of the official website first, and to change the organization, etc. in accordance with the revision time.

Earlier, on the 17th of this month, the National Institute of the Korean Language’s government press foreign language review committee decided to write the Turkish name ‘Türkiye’ as ‘Turkiye’ in Korean, and notified the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this.

It was in December of last year that Turkiye decided to change the name of the country.

This is because ‘Turkey’, the notation used in the international community, means turkey in English, and it is also commonly used to mean coward.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed the bill to change the country’s name at the time, saying, “Turkiye is the word that best expresses our culture, civilization and values.”

Turkiye means ‘Land of the Turks’ in Turkish.

The name of the country Turkiye was officially approved by the United Nations on the 1st of this month (local time), and since then, Turkiye is used instead of Turkey in official UN documents.

[사진 출처 : 게티이미지]