
Gao Huiran – Human Nature…|Zhai Coffee | Headline Daily

Japan’s “Shretoko Sightseeing Ship” accident, carrying 24 passengers, a captain and a crew member, sank during the sightseeing voyage. Twenty-six people are missing, and the search and rescue team has not yet found any survivors, which is deplorable.
After reading many reports, it seems that the shipwreck accident was not a simple accident, but probably related to the priority of the shipping company’s interests and disregard for safety.

On the day of the accident, the weather was bad and the waves were violent, so it was not suitable to go out to sea. Many fishing boats returned to the port to take shelter from the wind, but the sightseeing boat company ordered the boats to go out to sea. The accidental KAZU1 suffered multiple accidents last year, including a collision between the ship and floating objects at sea, injuring three passengers, and an accident that ran aground in a shoal. The ship was also photographed with a crack on the starboard side of the belly.

Tokuyuki Toyota, the captain of the accident, posted on the Internet three weeks ago, lamenting that he had “lost his way in a black-hearted company”. Seems rather unhappy with the company’s problems. In fact, the captains of the cruise ships have resigned due to the lack of a safe working environment.

If the complaint is true, it will overturn the impression I have always had of the Japanese. The Japanese people and Japanese companies in my impression are stubborn perfectionists who choose the right and do the best things regardless of their interests. Therefore, the word “Japan” is synonymous with trustworthiness.

After the accident, a friend reminded everyone, “Japan is not as rich as it was in the 1980s and 1990s, and some companies may no longer be the first in terms of quality. With the reduction of manpower and costs, there will of course be safety problems…” Read Zhi , sighed unceasingly.
Gao Huiran