
Get to know the disease “Chickenpox” Thailand has not found yet is not a dangerous contagious disease |

What is Monkeypox/Monkeypox…how dangerous…is there a cure?

Dr. Chakrarat Pittayawong-anon, MD. Director of the Division of Epidemiology Department of Disease Control (Cor.) educates this matter that smallpox is a disease of animals to humans. caused by the Poxviridae family of viruses, classified in the genus. Orthopoxvirus Cases are often reported in central and western African countries.

There are two types of the disease: the West African clade, which has mild symptoms. The mortality rate was 1% and the Central African clade strain was more severe. The morbidity and mortality rate was 10 percent. Still don’t know for sure. But it is believed to be a small mammal. especially rodents and monkeys

The correspondence is divided into

– contact from animals to humans by contact with secretions or wounds of sick animals or eating undercooked animals

– person-to-person contact By touching the patient’s droplet respiratory particle or touching objects contaminated with the patient’s secretions or wounds, such as clothing.

It is also hypothesized that Monkey pox may be transmitted through sexual contact. But there is not enough evidence to support it.

the incubation period From the day of exposure to the onset of illness is 5-21 days.

Dr. Chakrarat explained the condition that Usually, the disease manifests itself as a mild illness. Mild to moderately severe symptoms were divided into 2 periods. The leading symptoms were fever, headache, enlarged lymph nodes, back pain, muscle pain and exhaustion. Patients can spread the infection from the first symptoms they have. often a fever But the rash phase is usually the one that can be highly contagious.

Subsequently, the rash appears within 1-3 days after the fever, spreading from the face. And spread to different parts of the body, most 95% of patients have a rash on the face and 75% have a rash on the palms and soles. But the rash can also be found in other areas of the body such as the mouth, 70% and the genitals 30%. Maculopapular rash, vesicles, pustules and crusts (Crust). It was found that if a patient has a rash that looks like scabs until dry and fall off. There will be no infection.

However, most cases of smallpox resolve on their own. but can find patients with severe symptoms such as children with personal health problems such as immunodeficiency or a group with complications such as recurrent infections, pneumonia, meningitis bloodstream infection and corneal infections may lead to vision loss

to the question that, in conclusion, in Thailand, smallpox must be arranged. Is it a dangerous contagious disease?

“ The Academic Committee meeting held a meeting on May 24th. Initially, there were no reported cases of infection in Thailand. is an epidemic abroad caused by contact with close people not widespread very low mortality rate therefore prescribed smallpox is a contagious disease It is not a dangerous contagious disease,” Dr. Chakrarat concluded.

Read related news :

– Ministry of Public Health tightens measures to prevent “smallpox”, setting up airport checkpoints to screen for high-risk groups and ordering hospitals affiliated to cope

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