
[Glanhau mawr ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn]1 best simple tidying method I want to teach “people who have a mess in their rooms” | Life changing paper tidying up! | Diamond Online

Speaking of the end of the year tradition, it’s a “great cleaning”. But many people“How to organize a paper”I am worried about If it is left unchecked, the amount of “paper” will continue to increase, such as mail and documents from financial institutions and local governments. What paper should I keep? And how should it be organised?
Revealing the answer was a big reaction, “I wanted to know sooner!”The latest book by Kyoko Ishizaka, tidying up advisor“Cleaning up paper that changes lives! “in. In this article, I will post the experiences of people who practiced the method of this book. (Author/Hayabusa Nemoto)

N「Put the paper away!』By practicing the above method, we reduced the paper size by 90%. * Part of the image is being processed.

I was having trouble managing documents related to parenting

Mr. has N, who is in his 30s, a family of three, including a husband and a two-year-old son. As the couple work full time, there are days when they can’t get around to tidying up. In particular, I have a hard time managing paper.

When raising children, paper tends to increase. Moreover,There are many important documents related to money.. As well as mother and child handbooks and medical certificates, there are application forms for childcare leave and lump sum maternity allowances, and endless childcare related pamphlets.

“Home filing” which divides paper into 6 genres

What helped N.“Cleaning up paper that changes lives! 』Presented in“Home Filing”method.“Living / Health / Money / Education / Manual / Warranty / Unprocessed”It’s a simple tidying method that puts documents and mail in boxes divided into 6 genres.

“This sorting method is exquisite, and is designed so that any genre of paper can be properly placed.” (Mr N)

Ms N organized her maternal and child health handbook and medical certificate in the “Health” box. In addition, in the health box, each family member created a dedicated file and put their own patient registration card in it so they could easily find where the paper they needed was.

In the “Education” box, I stored the educational childcare benefit certificate issued by the local government, the print to present to the nursery school, etc.

“Thanks to this method, even when my husband takes my son to the hospital alone, I can find the 3-piece set of patient registration card, insurance card and certificate medical easily. Paper gets lost. I don’t think it will be there anymore.” (Mr N)

An important paper can be removed in “5 seconds”

 this bookBack, only home filing practice can“You will be able to take the paper that your family uses in everyday life in 5 seconds.”.By organizing the boxes, it means that the very important papers are there.a sense of securityis ensured.

Although digitization is progressing, many things are still stored on paper at home. If you struggle with paper management, it’s worth trying to file at home.

*This article“Cleaning up paper that changes lives! 』This is an article about the experience of the method.
