
Hailai Amu’s “Concert Surrounding the Fire” sang ten songs in a row. The folk singer complained softly about the life of chasing

Source Title: Hailai Amu’s “Concert Surrounding the Fire” Sings Ten Songs in a Row

On November 27, singer-songwriter Hailai Amu appeared on Sichuan Satellite TV’s original music story show “Wailu Concert”. This program uses the unique form of “talking at night around the stove”, allowing musicians to perform their own works in general and at the same time convey the story behind the creation to the audience. In the program, Hailai Amu and Yao Chen collaborated on his original song “The Person Who Asked for the Song”. One of them is known as a “folk poet”, and the other is an idol singer from the new era. The combination of folk songs and rap has taken this song to a new level, and it has also added many highlights to this episode.

Hailai Amu’s songs are popular all over the Internet, and many songs have topped the hot song charts of QQ Music and Kugou Music. For this singer-songwriter, participating in this “Wailu Concert” is also an experience brand new. In this program, for the first time, Hailai Amu will perform his representative repertoire, his creative experience and his extraordinary life in the form of song series for the first time since his debut in four years. For a dreamer who was not born into grandeur, Hailai Amu’s music journey was not smooth; however, these ups and downs in pursuing pure music also gave him a deeper understanding of life and pursuing music. In the program, Hailai Amu sang his masterpieces consecutively such as “A Boy with a Tongue”, “Aguo Ji Song”, “Three Lives and Three Fortunes”, “But the World”, “Fifty Years later” and so on. such a show that connects works with story clues, Hailai Amu uses his famous songs one after the other to tell the audience the warmth and sorrow of the world.

Known as the “folk poet”, Hailai Amu has embarked on a creative path of “telling stories with music and praising life with true feelings” since his debut. So far, he has created more than 100 popular songs and captured the hearts of young people. It has attracted many fans, and the number of Douyin fans has reached more than 11.5 million. What motivates him to continue pursuing music is not only his rough life experience, but also his dedication to creating music. During the recording process of the “Wailu Concert” program, Hailai Amu had a high fever and his throat was inflamed and swollen. In order to sing each song to the best effect, he insisted on singing it many times until he was satisfied . This serious approach to music also allowed Hailai Amu to be unanimously recognized by the program group. Every time he performed on the spot, he showed a detached appeal and expression, and captured the hearts of the members of the group min tân biv and the audience in front of the television.

In this program, Hailai Amu’s latest song “The Moon Looks at Me” is also sung on stage for the first time. Hailai Amu sings with his unique vocal range, and the tune changes from slow to urgent, interpreting the bitterness, sadness, loss, struggle and perseverance of a dream chaser on a music journey. “Moon” is an image that is mentioned repeatedly in Hailai Amu’s many songs, as he said in an interview: “When I was at the stage of fighting alone and I needed to find someone to trust , I naturally took the moon as my confidant. . He can’t respond to me, but I know he can definitely feel my feelings.” Perhaps it is this kind of purity and persistence that natural things also respond to Hailai Amu’s emotions, presenting him in another form of transcendence in the song. For netizens who like it, Hailai Amu’s songs are unique, and he has been making new explorations and challenges. In an interview, he once revealed that “in the future, he will try to combine folk songs and rock styles. “Lai Amu has higher expectations for future creations.