
Hanchon Seolleongtang Launches ‘Naengmyeon Set’, Summer Season Limited Menu |

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Hanchon Seolleongtang has launched a set of cold noodles for the summer season. [사진=한촌설렁탕]

[이뉴스투데이 김종효 기자] Seolleongtang franchise brand Hanchon Seolleongtang has launched a set of naengmyeon for the summer season.

This set menu is designed for customers who want to enjoy more hearty cold noodles by adding dumplings to one serving of naengmyeon.

Cold noodles at Hanchon Seolleongtang are made with arrowroot. Depending on your taste, you can choose mul naengmyeon or bibim naengmyeon. Mul naengmyeon has a refreshing taste by steeping old radish in soup, and bibim naengmyeon has a sweet and spicy taste thanks to the low-temperature seasoning of garlic, ginger, red pepper powder, and fruit.

For dumplings that are good to eat with naengmyeon, you can choose between the stuffed ‘Sumandu’, ‘Kimchi Mandu’, and ‘Galbi Mandu’. This naengmyeon set will be sold in limited stores nationwide until June 25th.

The person in charge of Hanchon Seolleongtang said, “We set up a specific menu with dumplings that go well with cold noodles so that our customers can enjoy cold noodles with some confidence.” I expect that,” he said.