
He emphasized “reinforcing materials”… Electronic anklets cut with ‘scissors’


Controversy is rising as it is known that a man who broke an electronic anklet and fled in Gangnam, Seoul, cut his ankle with scissors. The Ministry of Justice has said that the material has been reinforced so that the anklet does not break easily. However, if you look at the last five years, an electronic anklet damage incident has occurred about once a month.

Correspondent Yoon Jeong-ju.


A man in his 30s was caught by the police after breaking an electronic anklet in Gangnam, Seoul and running away.

Two days later, on the afternoon of the 10th, he came to the police station and was immediately arrested.

During the arrest process, it is known that he protested to the police saying, ‘I just came to inquire about the electronic anklet’.

[목격자 : 안 들어가려고 난동을 피웠습니다. 방문하러 온 건데 왜 잡아가냐고 하면서…]

Person A, who was ordered to attach an electronic anklet for five years for a sexual offense, fled after cutting off the electronic anklet on the 8th.

Scissors used to cut ankles were also found at the scene.

It was a pair of scissors that were easily available in the store.

The Ministry of Justice explained that it was not cut directly with scissors, but it is controversial as it has emphasized that it will strengthen the material.

[법무부 관계자 : 끊어내겠다고 마음먹는데 그게 안 끊어진다고 말할 수 없거든요.]

Kang Yoon-seong, who murdered two women in August last year, even cut an electronic anklet with a cutter that he bought at a tool store for 10,000 won.

If you look at the last five years, there have been about 10 cases of damage to the electronic anklets every year, that is, once a month.

In December of last year, a man in his 30s attempted a sexual offense after unraveling the electronic anklet so that it did not sound an alarm after targeting technical vulnerabilities.

(Video design: Yoo Jeong-bae)