
Health Benefits of Spring –

Spring is full of fresh produce and benefits for our health, including increased fertility. [사진=클립아트코리아]

The sun is getting longer now. The winter clothes have already been taken off. spring is near It’s the vernal equinox, officially the start of spring. Get ready to enjoy the health benefits of this season. American internet media The Huffington Post The benefits of spring for our healthpresented and recommended for operational use.


◆ Seasonal fruit and vegetables

fresh produceIt’s full and makes you drool. They come out all year round seasonal fruitsclass a vegetableIt’s time to enjoy

◆ Absorb sunlight

In winter, the time to see the year of making vitamin D is short. A lack of this important nutrient can lead to weak bones. immunityalso decreases As a result muscleclass nervous functionit can also be damaged. in the spring sunshinetake bone healthtake care of Make sure you don’t stay outside too long without sunscreen. Sunlight also helps to get rid of seasonal depression.

◆ Increase outdoor activities

outside activitythe more this increases health of body and mindis also promoted As the temperature rises, spend more time outdoors. Research has shown that being active in nature can reduce stress and blood pressure and even fight cancer. In a small Japanese study, he spent time in the forest white blood cell countwas shown to rise.


◆ Burn extra calories

Haven’t you lost interest in the plans you made at the start of the new year? Now that the days are getting warmer, let’s refresh our minds. The weather hasn’t warmed up yet, and the season to wear swimsuits is coming soon.

◆ Let’s clean up

spring cleaningIf you get rid of bacteria, dust, mold, and other germs in your home, car, and office with spring colda allergyit may not be caught. You can also burn an extra 80 calories every 30 minutes by washing the windows and mopping the floor.

◆ Increased chance of pregnancy

In the spring it will be a little different. In the case of women, they can find vitality like flowers blooming around them. A study of more than 1900 women who tried IVF found that increase in certain hormonescause 45% higher pregnancy ratesay