
“Health Net” Fatty liver is a warning doctor: Don’t control liver cancer early! -Real-time News-Free Health Network

The doctor pointed out that after discovering fatty liver, changing lifestyle habits such as weight loss, balanced diet, regular exercise, quitting smoking and drinking, has a chance to return to a healthy liver; the picture is a situational photo. (The picture is taken from pexels)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Health examination items often include liver ultrasound. Chen Jingrui, the attending physician at the Family Medicine Department of Shuanghe Hospital, pointed out that fatty liver is the most commonly found, and when the liver is still in the fatty liver stage, there is a chance to pass it. Changes in diet and lifestyle changes to restore a healthy liver, but if it is not controlled as soon as possible, when cirrhosis occurs, it may evolve into liver cancer!

Chen Jingrui shared on the Facebook fan, “Family Medicine Doctor Chen Jingrui” that most people with fatty liver have no symptoms, and often go home and put aside the medical examination report, forgetting the doctor’s reminder. However, liver damage is a gradual process. When fatty liver causes long-term inflammation, the liver will continue to fibrosis. If there is still no medical follow-up control, it is likely to cause liver cirrhosis. If there is still no timely medical treatment, there is a great chance. Will evolve into liver cancer.

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Ways to restore fatty liver to healthy liver

●Weight reduction:Control the BMI between the normal value of 18.5-25.
●A balanced diet:Eat more fruits and vegetables and good protein, and avoid high oil, high salt, and high sugar.Chen Jingrui explained that you can refer to the “My Dinner Plate Handbook” of the National Health Agency as a reference for a balanced diet
●Regular exercise:Develop exercise habits and increase muscle mass.
●Quit drinking and drinking:Tobacco and alcohol can cause damage to the liver.

Possible symptoms of fibrosis and cirrhosis

●Early symptoms are similar to a cold:Tiredness, weakness, fatigue, and indigestion; sometimes combined with gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea, vomiting, and accompanying upper abdominal pain.
●Later symptoms:Liver cirrhosis can cause portal hypertension, leading to symptoms such as ascites, jaundice, lower extremity edema, esophageal varices, and hepatic encephalopathy.

Chen Jingrui said that in addition to fatty liver, viral hepatitis (hepatitis B and C) and long-term alcoholism are also common causes of liver cirrhosis. No matter what kind of liver disease, the most important thing is early detection and early control of liver inflammation. When liver fibrosis or even liver cirrhosis occurs, it is difficult to recover to a healthy appearance, and it may even evolve into liver cancer!

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