
Health Net” love to eat ice may be iron deficiency anemia!Nutritionist teaches “eating like this” has better absorption effect-Free Health Network

A nutritionist said that if you like to eat ice every day, it may be related to iron deficiency, because in the process of eating ice, the peripheral blood vessels will constrict and the blood in the brain will change, which will increase the oxygen delivery and reduce the iron deficiency anemia. Fatigue and exhaustion; pictured in context. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Iron is an essential nutrient for the human body and can maintain normal physiological functions. Nutritionist Wu Xinling said that if you like to eat ice every day, it may be related to iron deficiency, because in the process of eating ice, the peripheral blood vessels will constrict and the blood in the brain will change, which will increase the oxygen delivery and reduce the iron deficiency anemia. fatigue and exhaustion. If you want to improve iron absorption, in addition to taking more iron-containing foods, it is recommended to eat it with vitamin C for better absorption.

Wu Xinling posted on his Facebook fan page “Wu Xinling Nutritionist” that previous literature pointed out that if the body is deficient in iron, pyophagia will occur, which is a type of pica. This may represent the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia in the body. This kind of situation often happens to women in adolescence or childbearing age. It is likely that women lose too much iron during menstruation every month, causing iron deficiency anemia, and their behavior reflects the phenomenon of eating ice.

As for which diets to get it from? Wu Xinling said that iron plays an important role in the human body. It can prevent anemia, maintain life oxygen delivery, provide cellular energy, improve body immunity, and promote oxidative metabolism. Animal foods include liver (pork liver), heart (pig heart, chicken heart), blood (duck blood), egg yolk, and oysters; plant foods include nuts, spinach, black sesame, soybeans, amaranth, Prune dates, raisins.

Wu Xinling reminded that if you want to increase iron absorption, it is recommended to take it with vitamin C, which can increase the absorption rate of iron. But never eat steak with black tea, because tea and caffeine can easily hinder iron absorption.

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