
Hidalgo approves granting two days of menstrual leave to workers

The Hidalgo state congress approved authorizing up to two days of menstrual leave for workersin order to guarantee your health.

It may interest you: The importance of breaking paradigms about menstruation

This proposal was presented by the Labor Party deputy, Osiris Leines Medecigo, who explained that the leave will be paid for up to two days for working women “who have been diagnosed with primary or secondary dysmenorrhea.”

This, he said, as part of recognition of their sexual and reproductive rights, repaying a historical debt that the state has with the labor rights of women.

Those who access this right must present a medical certificate issued by a specialist in gynecology with a diagnosis of primary or secondary dysmenorrhea.

The legislator specified that the workers of the three branches of the state will have access to this right, as well as those who work in the municipalities, as well as decentralized organizations.

You can also read: WHO calls for menstruation to be recognized as a ‘health problem’

The foregoing by approving the opinion with modifications to the initiative that added the eighth and ninth paragraphs to article 17 of the Law of Workers at the Service of state and municipal governments, as well as Decentralized Organizations, of Hidalgo.

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