
Homeowners “Payment of tax burden, payable with monthly rent”… Tenant transfer movement

Real estate news. The government just said, “It is an exaggeration to say that the price of cheonsei is going up due to the property tax” and “There is no possibility.” I looked around the real estate agencies around Seoul to see if it would be okay. A change in monthly rent and a movement in monthly rent increase were detected.

Experts also predicted that this phenomenon will become more pronounced at the beginning of the year. I will tell you the story of reporter Lim Yu-jin from the scene.

An apartment complex in Songpa-gu, Seoul. Since the beginning of this year, the number of landlords turning from jeonse to monthly rent has increased in the aftermath of the 3rd Lease Act.

accredited broker
“As the property tax and property tax increase so much, I have no choice but to pay monthly rent. The obvious thing is that it is passed on to the monthly rent. To the lessee.”

In a complex in Gangnam, Seoul, the monthly rent has skyrocketed since the beginning of this year.

This is because homeowners raised the monthly rent in advance in anticipation of a high property tax.

accredited broker
“(One year new monthly rent) has risen by 1.5 million won.

This year, the transaction volume of apartment rentals with even a little bit of monthly rent in Seoul was 56,000. It’s the best ever.

The tax burden is pouring oil into the monthly rent movement of jeonse, which has already been burning since the enactment of the lease law.

Jeonse or monthly rent can be increased as much as the tax rate that has risen in online communities. Posts are coming one after another.

Dae-Jung Kwon / Professor, Department of Real Estate, Myongji University
“When the moving season comes back in February or March, the tax transfer phenomenon is highly likely to be visible. In particular, when the 3rd lease law arrives in August of next year, the first contracted items will be reversed or monthly rent.”

Some single-family homeowners are paying monthly rent for their house and moving to a small sqm jeonse.

This is Lim Yu-jin from TV Chosun.
