
Houseparty video chat program to close next month | Big Vision

Game developer Epic Games announced that its group video chat program Houseparty will be closed in October. The development team stated that it will develop other products with “richer formats than 2D movies.”

The app has been removed from the store immediately, and users who have downloaded the app will continue to use it until it closes next month. This program was very popular when the new crown epidemic prevention blockade was first implemented last year, and 50 million new users registered within a month.

Epic Games acquired this video chat program in 2019 and joined the popular online game “Fortnite” at the end of last year, allowing users to video chat while playing games.

In its heyday, Houseparty was hit by unconfirmed social media rumors, which alleged that the app caused other online accounts of users, including Netflix and eBay, to be hacked.

Houseparty video chat program will close next month
