
How to cure an upset stomach? Find 9 Physical Symptoms, Avoid 7 Foods That Upset Your Stomach | Fan News

It can be said that a bad stomach is a common physical disease among modern people. Usually high work pressure, reversal of day and night work and rest, or excessive intake of fried food, unbalanced diet, etc., is one of the reasons for our poor gastrointestinal function.

After all, if the gastrointestinal function is not good, what warnings will the body give us, what are the foods that hurt the stomach, and how to cure the bad stomach? This article will answer your doubts, and finally provide 3 ways to regulate the stomach, so you can stay away from gastrointestinal problems!

How to cure and regulate the bad stomach?

1. Improve your daily diet to get the right nutrients

If you want to cure a bad stomach problem, the first step is to start with your daily diet! Start to consciously reduce the intake of sweets, high fat, fried foods, eat a regular and quantitative balanced diet, eat more prototype foods, and add dietary fiber, such as cauliflower, pumpkin, barley and oats. If you want to nourish the spleen and stomach, you can also take cabbage, sweet potato, corn, etc.

In addition, for people who like to eat spicy hot pot or drink at work, they can also add yam, okra, lotus root, etc. at ordinary times, which can repair the damaged mucosa of the stomach.

2. regular exercise

Having a regular exercise habit will not only help the gastrointestinal metabolism and intestinal peristalsis, but also help the body to detoxify and reduce the burden on the stomach by sweating when the stomach is not good. This is the most natural way to support the stomach.

3. Goes with healthy food

When thinking about gastrointestinal health food, the most common thing that Chinese people think of is probiotics. Probiotics not only cure diarrhea, acute gastroenteritis but also promote digestion, bowel movements and improve functional bowel problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, probiotics can also bring many benefits to the human body, such as helping the body synthesize vitamin D, preventing osteoporosis, improving immunity, and reducing upper respiratory tract infections.

There are nine symptoms of a bad stomach and the body often appears!

1. weak immune system

The digestive system and the excretory system are closely related. This means that if the stomach is not good, it will also affect the detoxification function of the body, and the toxins in the body will be difficult to excrete, which may not only lead to constipation, but also affect on the long-term accumulation of bacteria and even affects the formation of bad breath in the mouth. The accumulation of bacteria in the body will not only affect the appetite, but also affect the body’s absorption of nutrients, leading to a gradual decline in the immune system, and weakening the body is vulnerable to various diseases.

2. less appetite

People with a bad gut usually have a bad body image, often have no appetite, cannot eat the fragrant food, and are often accompanied by problems such as weight loss.

3. Gastrointestinal problems

Gastrointestinal problems often cause stomach pain, bloating, acid reflux, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, which are all warning signs of gastrointestinal problems.

4. nervous, depressed

The stomach is the organ that can best show a person’s good or bad mood. If we are in a good mood, our appetite will also improve. Conversely, if you are depressed or have a bad job today, your stomach will start to get emotional, making you feel like you have no appetite, indigestion, etc.

5. bad breath

When we have bad breath, most people choose to go to the dentist, but in reality, many patients with long-term bad breath are mainly caused by gastrointestinal problems. The putrid smell produced by bacteria is transmitted through the mouth, and this kind of bad breath produced by the stomach cannot be solved by brushing the teeth, and must be fundamentally cured from the stomach himself.

6. Deterioration of skin texture, loss of complexion

People with a bad stomach often have too much bad bacteria in the body and start to release toxins, and due to indigestion, it is difficult for the stomach to fully absorb nutrients, which can easily cause people to have problems such as bad appearance and bad spirit.

7. Constipation can worsen the intestinal environment

Constipation is one of the most common civilized diseases of modern people. We can only maintain good health by expelling toxins. Therefore, it is indispensable to have a good intestinal tract if you want to live a long and healthy life! In addition, timely supplementation of health food to provide additional nutrients to the body can also effectively create a healthy gut environment.

8. sleep is deeply affected

Gut health is closely linked to sleep quality. For example, excessive stress is common among office workers. If it causes stomach cramps, it will inevitably cause pain and lack of sleep. If it is indigestion, it will make the human digestive system unable to function at normal times, and the long-term effect on the human body is not small.

9. Infection in female personal area

If there are too many bad bacteria in the stomach, it will easily affect the acid-base balance of women’s private parts. When the acid-base balance is out of balance, Candida overgrowth can lead to severe itching, swelling and sensitivity in the intimate area, or clumping of secretions.

7 foods that hurt the stomach in the medical list, how much have you gained?

1. Fried food

The lunch boxes and fried foods that office workers often eat at noon are one of the major culprits that lead to upset stomachs in modern people. Because of the high fat content of fried food, it takes longer for the stomach to digest and decompose, and it is easy to overload the stomach in the long run. People with poor gastrointestinal function may even experience heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux.

2. Ham, sausage, bacon

This kind of food contains nitrite, please avoid mixing with Yakult, yogurt, etc., so as not to combine to produce ammonia nitrite, which can easily lead to gastric cancer.

3. sweets

Foods with high sweetness will stimulate a large amount of gastric acid secretion, or foods such as biscuits, cakes and noodles are easy to digest, so that the blood sugar rises quickly and our gastric acid is secreted too much, and thereby causing gastroesophageal reflux.

4. Spicy food

Spicy foods such as chili, pepper or spicy hot pot should be eaten as little as possible. Although natural chili pepper contains vitamin C and capsanthin, which can effectively help metabolism in the body, chili pepper is too irritating for our stomachs, and most of the spicy hot pots use chili oil, which hurts the stomach.

5. Alcohol, carbonated drinks

If you drink on an empty stomach, it will cause great inflammation of the stomach, which will not only affect the metabolism of gastrointestinal fat, slow down the burning of body fat to produce a beer belly, but also easily lead to pain stomach and cause a heavy burden on the liver, along with the long-term stimulation of gastric acid, it is also easy to cause gastric ulcers or acid reflux.

6. Stomach is not good, try to drink less coffee and tea

Coffee and tea contain caffeine. If you drink it on an empty stomach, it is irritating to the stomach and will promote the secretion of gastric acid, which can easily cause stomach discomfort. Too much tannins can also cause abnormalities in human digestive function and iron absorption. Therefore, doctors generally recommend drinking coffee or strong tea after meals as much as possible. In addition to being less harmful to the stomach, it can also promote digestion after meals.

7. Stomach is not good, drink less fruit juice

Fruit is the first choice for healthy ingredients with a high cp value that can be rich in nutrients for a small amount of money. But if you are a person with a bad stomach and a sensitive stomach, it is recommended to avoid eating fruits that are too sour. Such as lemon, kiwi fruit, passion fruit, etc., it is easy to cause damage to the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to add water to dilute it before drinking.

If you want to fundamentally improve gastrointestinal problems, a balanced diet and regular exercise are essential! In addition, timely supplementation of health food to provide additional nutrients to the body can also effectively create a healthy gut environment. However, I would also like to remind readers that the effect of any health food is not immediate, and long-term and continuous use with a balanced diet is the key!

Original source: How to cure an upset stomach? Spot 9 Physical Symptoms and Avoid 7 Foods That Upset Your Stomach