
I can ‘get pregnant’ and give birth to a baby | Nived Antony | Gay | Pregnancy | Photoshoot

Either male or female. Conservative society is not yet ready to embrace the universal truth that there are gender identities beyond that. Those who are born male or female and transgender beyond the nightmares of ejaculation are ‘male and female’ bad for many, even human beings. Unfortunately this country has not yet progressed to the broad-mindedness or maturity to accommodate them.

What if a man is born pregnant? Sure, many will put their finger on the nose. When model and gay Nived made such a revolutionary announcement, nothing else happened.

‘Where are you … uterus? Aren’t you a man … ‘

Social media was full of questions, insults and jokes. Nivedh shared that the potential of medicine is that even a particle of life will grow in the stomach of a man who was born a male. Give birth to a baby, or own one … The questions arose when the dream and revolutionary decision made in Chunk was symbolically presented in the form of a photoshoot. Can a man give birth to a baby? If so, how to give birth? Can a body with the roots of masculinity support a baby? Lots of questions.

While not a groundbreaking contribution to the genre, Nivedit impresses with his straightforward tough-guy style. For the first time, Nivedh speaks exclusively to a media outlet, ‘Women Online’.

Life in the bud and in me

It’s a dream that has been around for a long time. A baby was born from my blood. I’ll be a father and mother to that baby. Many people here are worried about how the pulse of life can be felt in my body. If the question is whether such a thing can happen in this world, then my answer is yes, by combining the latest technologies of medicine. I can ‘get pregnant’ and give birth to a baby. But the way to it is tough. – Nived begins to say.

At a young age, I longed to have a brother or sister. I thought my mom Elizabeth would give me such a gift. But after the operation on the mummy’s uterus, the chances of another delivery faded. From that day on, the desire for a Vava was covered in ashes in my mind. A baby just for me. That’s a bad feeling.

Time passed. Lots of changes have taken place in life. My life as one of the first gay couples in Kerala became familiar to many. The final separation was also celebrated by many media outlets.

It was then that the risk of pregnancy was found to be lower in men as well. Talked to doctors in this area. Lots of investigation. But if you want to achieve it …..

Read the full interview
