
“I did not accept the proposal for the redemption of excess profits… followed the guidelines”


This time, the ‘excess profit recovery clause’ was deleted. Today (18th), a more advanced content came out in the National Inspection. There was an internal suggestion to create a ‘recovery of excess profits’ clause, and the branch said ‘we did not accept it’. However, the governor insisted that there was no problem because it was in accordance with the ‘guidelines’.

Correspondent Ko Seung-hyuk.


■ Elimination of redemption of excess profits, why?

The opposition party focused on the fact that the private sector did not recover excess profits.

[박완수/국민의힘 의원 : 초과이익환수 규정이 포함돼 있었는데 결재 과정 7시간 만에 삭제가 됐습니다. 시장님이 결재를 했거나 저는 보고되었다고 생각하고 있습니다.]

If there is no redemption clause even though excessive profits are expected for the private sector, the charge of breach of trust can be applied to the city of Seongnam.

The governor countered that he was just following the guidelines.

[이재명/경기지사 : 삭제한 게 아니고 추가하자고 하는 일선 직원의 건의를 받아들이지 않았다. 고정으로 이익을 확보하란 성남시의 지침 때문에 그에 반한 주장을 하면 제 지시 위반이 되어서 안 되는 것이고요.]

He said that he could not accept the addition of a restitution clause to the contrary because it was his order to secure a fixed profit.

■ Private → public, changed words?

There are also suspicions that Governor Lee insisted on ‘private development’ when he was a lawyer, but changed the word to ‘public development’ after he was elected mayor of Seongnam.

[김도읍/국민의힘 의원 : 변호사 때는 민간개발을 주장하더니 시장이 되고 난 후에는 공영개발을 주장했습니다.]

The governor responded with the intention of taking measures in consideration of the residents.

[이재명/경기지사 : 그때 당시에 LH가 매우 횡포를 많이 부리던 때였습니다. 성남시에서. 당시 우리 주민들은 이걸 뺏긴다고 생각하고 있었던 거죠. 그래서 저희는 시 주도의 민간개발을…]

■ Avoidance of the price cap?

It was also pointed out that the ‘upper price limit system’ was avoided during public-private joint development.

The public interest was lost by selling apartments to low-income households at high prices.

[이은주/정의당 의원 : 분양가상한제를 적용하지 않았어요. 무주택 시민들에게 바가지 분양했습니다.]

The governor responded that it was the Park Geun-hye administration that abolished the price cap system.

[이재명/경기지사 : 분양가상한제를 폐지한 건 제가 아니고 여기 국민의힘 정부, 이명박…박근혜 정부 때라는 말씀을 드립니다.]

(Video design: Jo Seong-hye)