
“I get upset just thinking about you”… A woman in her 40s recorded a sound by putting her phone on the door of the woman next door.

picture explanationA man in his 40s has been accused of recording sounds from the apartment next to his in Godeok-dong, Seoul, dozens of times between last August and the beginning of this month. [사진 = YTN 캡처]

A scene where a man heard a woman living alone next door and even recorded her holding her mobile phone to the door is terrifying as it was captured on CCTV in an apartment building.

Although public protests about stalking crimes are on the rise due to the ‘Sindang Station Murder Case’, there is an opinion that a legal and institutional addition is needed to enable forced separation between victims and perpetrators in a situation where there is a lack of realistic alternatives to solve this problem.

According to KBS and YTN reports on the 19th, the Gangdong Police Station in Seoul charged man A (in his 40s) with violating the Stalking Penalty Act, trespassing the home, and violating the Secret Communications Protection Act on the 18th and it’ n investigate. the case. He is accused of recording sounds from the apartment next to his in Godeok-dong, Seoul, on dozens of occasions between last month and the beginning of this month.

His actions were caught on CCTV in the flat. In the video, at dawn, after 1 am, Mr A, wearing a headset, brings his mobile phone to the front door of the house next door. Person A is said to have repeated this behavior five or six times a day.

A woman, B, who lives alone next door, went into her house after work, and when she opened the door to go out, she often ran into Mr A in front of the front door. As this situation happens often, Mr. B, who thought it was strange, to Mr. However, the answer given was theoretical. It is said that Mr. Say calmly to Mr. B, “When I think of Mr. B and my house, I feel sexual excitement.” He also said, “I’ll give you moving expenses, so move in. Don’t sue.”

BA sued the police. However, the police said, “Unless I am sexually assaulting or molesting, there is no law that can protect or isolate me from that person.” In fact, there is no legal basis for separating Mr.

However, it is known that the police took steps to provide B with a smart watch and personal security for commuting, and to warn A against entry.

Experts agreed that there is a need to prepare a legal basis and add to the system to protect victims of stalking. Under the current law, the police can take emergency temporary measures on the spot, and can impose a fine for negligence if the measures are breached even when access is prohibited or communication using telecommunications is prohibited. Separately, if the court continues to keep in touch despite the temporary measures of the same content, a criminal penalty can be imposed.

However, since they are all only indirect control methods, experts agree that there is an urgent need for institutional augmentation to physically prevent direct access itself.

[조성신 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]