
I got a call from space… 7 communication with the Nuri satellite

Repeated communication between the satellite and the ground station that Korea’s first launch vehicle (rocket) Nuri put into space on the 21st was successful over two days. This means that the satellite is in stable orbit.

The Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute announced this at an online briefing on the 22nd.

Kim Ki-seok, head of the space technology division at the Ministry of Science and ICT, said, “After the Nuri successfully separated the performance verification satellite within its target orbit (675-735 km), at 3:02 am on the 22nd, it succeeded in bi-directional communication with the main ground station of the Daejeon Air Force.” With this, the ability to put the Nuri into satellite orbit has been completely confirmed.”

On the day of launch, the Korea Air Defense Agency downloaded and analyzed the satellite status data five times from 4:41 to 9:40 pm. As a result of checking the data, the satellite is rotating slowly at 1 degree per second, which is more stable than the originally expected tumbling (rotation) speed of 5 degrees per second. Conversely, from the communication on the 22nd, Hangwooyeon sent orders to the satellite twice. Information necessary for time synchronization with the Earth, activation of a navigation system receiver, and attitude control. Correspondence took place for about 5 to 13 minutes per session. The data transfer rate is said to be 1Mbps. This is the speed of sending and receiving 1.25MB files in 10 seconds.

The performance verification satellite, which orbits the Earth 14.6 times a day on an orbit passing through the eastern seas of the Philippines and the Australian continent, and passing through the South Pole, will undergo a stabilization process for the next one week. From the 29th, four micro-satellites (Cubesat) developed by Chosun University, KAIST, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, respectively, will be released every two days.

Correspondent Kim Jin-won/Lee Hae-seong

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