
“I had an affair and had sex”… 50s outraged by wife’s drunken confession

picture explanation[사진 출처 : 연합뉴스]

When he found out that his wife was having an affair while drinking together, he was furious and sentenced to a severe sentence for a 50-year-old man who was handed over to trial for murdering his wife with a knife.

According to the court on the 17th, the 12th Criminal Division of the Daegu District Court (Chief Judge Jo Jung-hwan) sentenced a 50-year-old man charged with murder on the 15th to 12 years in prison and imposed 5 years of probation and observances.

Person A is accused of killing his wife, Mr. B, in his 40s, with a knife at 7:50 pm on October 7, last year, in an apartment in Suseong-gu, Daegu. While the two were drinking, Mr. B got drunk and told him that she had an affair and had sex in a restaurant that her husband and wife run together.

Previously, Mr. A suspected of having an affair with his wife and purchased a weapon online with the intention of threatening an affair partner, and wielded it at his wife.

After the crime, Mr. A fled and confessed to his family, and his sister reported it to the police.

The court said, “The victim, who is the spouse, assaulted and stabbed him to death, saying that he had committed an affair. If you do, you will be punished severely.”

[배윤경 매경닷컴 기자]
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