
I know! Black Ant said two important witnesses were talking about watermelon too. DJ Ong was shocked.

I know! Black Ant Kachapha fires in the middle of the program Trusting two important eyewitnesses, “BoTK-Hippo” talks about “watermelon” too, causing DJ Ong to panic.

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It is still a subject that many people are interested in. with the departure of a young actress “Watermelon Nida” The society is still confused about many issues of the death of a young actress. Even though the story is more than a month ago

Attorney Krishna, the first lawyer to do the case of “Watermelon” and Melon’s mother, has ordered the dismissal. It was revealed at one point that The case contained an important piece of evidence that he was trying to find out before he was suddenly dismissed. It’s a clip of the inside of the car from the front camera that the famous singer Bo TK is driving back from the shipyard with a water bottle, a personal manager of watermelons. who told Bo TK about the events that happened on the boat after the watermelon fell off the boat.

By trying to track down this piece of evidence from the police who made the case. And mother has already heard and seen this sound clip. which is an important piece of evidence in this case In the end, the mother did not trust this piece of evidence. And the new lawyer did not let him talk about this piece of evidence either.

While Attorney Decha, the current lawyer of the watermelon case Responding to the sound clip in front of the car at the flask, Watermelon’s personal manager told the incident to “BoTK” and confirmed that the mother of Watermelon never opened this sound clip because her mother couldn’t do it. Which I and my mother have known for a long time that the clip has only images without speech at all. Therefore, there are no secrets and outstanding evidence. and has delivered this clip to the police

Recently (30 March 65) the famous host “Moddam Kachapha”, who told the news about the progress of the watermelon case through the show, at one point in the program, Moddam revealed that he trusted an important witness ‘BoTK’ because ‘Bo TK’ and ‘Hippo’ talk about “watermelon” too.

by Black Mod reveals that, but I trust ‘BoTK’ because of the people who saw and heard that ‘BoTK’ was telling himself everything. and told something And I think that “BoTK” has already spoken to the police.

Then, DJ Ong Khemarat asked Mod Dam, “Wait, did you know?” Moddam replied, ‘I know’, causing DJ Aom to be very shocked. Mother told me. Then, Mod Dam said that BoTK and Hippo spoke like Let’s do it. Hippos can hear them all. At first, Hippos admit that at first, they didn’t listen.

But it turns out that what BoTK and Hippo said the same, which I knew, wasn’t the case at all. But I know what they saw. Personally, BoTK told the police everything and what they saw, but BoTK would say in one word. Flask out and say

By nature, Bo is someone who doesn’t show up, doesn’t talk to anyone, will finish talking at once, and BoTK can only cry. I just told you and notice that Bo said one word during the interview: The flask speaks the truth

Thank you for the show.