
“I ordered udon for 5,000 won, but it’s ‘tempura udon’ ramen”… A restaurant that pissed off customers

picture explanation[사진 = 온라인 커뮤니티 캡처]

The story of ordering udon for 5,000 won and receiving ramen is becoming a hot topic on social media.

On the 12th, in an online community, an article titled ‘5000 won udon with 1 star’ was posted.

Mr. A, who posted a review of the delivery food, said, “I am the person who called for a refund on the udon on the phone yesterday.

Mr. A said, “The pork cutlet and udon here are delicious, so I ate it a few times, and yesterday, not udon, but instant ramen came.” “I ordered udon because I wanted to eat it, but the convenience store ticket tempura udon came. Flakes and noodles are definitely tempura udon ramen This is correct,” he claimed.

If you look at the picture that Mr. A posted together, it is a bowl of curly ramen noodles, not regular udon noodles.

There was no response from the restaurant in relation to the allegation. The instant ramen ‘Tempura Udon’, which Mr. A claimed to have received, is in the range of 1,000 won to 1,500 won, although there is a price difference at regular retail stores.

Netizens who saw this commented, “Noodles are life for udon, but ramen noodles? How do such people run a restaurant?” “If the ingredients for udon run out, they should either process it or request a cancellation” “The person who wrote the review is gentle” “Does business open up?” Reactions such as:

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