
“If the Nursing Act is passed by the National Assembly, there may be a general strike in 13 health and medical institutions” |

The medical community is increasing the level of effort to block the Nursing Act and the ‘Medical Person License Cancellation Act’ (amendment to the Medical Act), which were decided at the full meeting of the National Assembly. Park Myung-ha, chairman of the Seoul Medical Association and head of the Korean Medical Association’s Emergency Response Committee, suggested a general strike in solidarity with 13 health and medical institutions if the president’s approval is obtained after the plenary session passes.

The 77th regular general meeting of delegates held by the Seoul Medical Association at the Yeongdeungpo-gu Medical Center on the 25th was a place to pledge to fight against ‘bad medical laws’ such as the Nursing Act.

In his opening remarks, Chairman Lee Yoon-soo of the Seoul Council of Representatives said, “Unfortunately, on the 23rd, the special law for nurses and the law for depriving medical licenses were passed with the consent of the majority of the Association’s members . National Assembly. ) We must bear in mind the general strike of health and medical institutions and the return of (doctor) licenses.”

Chairman Park Myung-ha said he would definitely block the passage of the bill, even though it was “a battle between David and Goliath.” Chairman Park held an all-night sit-in in front of the National Assembly and a hunger strike as chairman of the Medical Association.

Chairman Park said, “The 16 provincial and provincial medical associations across the country are fighting together to stop the bad law. We need more active participation of the members of the Seoul Metropolitan Council. “We are preparing, and if the president authorizes (nursing law, etc.), each organization is discussing the pros and cons of going on strike.”

news/photo/202303/3004103_3004486_2549.jpg?resize=800%2C440&ssl=1" alt="서울시의사회 대의원회는 25일 정기대의원총회를 열고 간호법과 의료인 면허취소법 저지 의지를 다졌다(ⓒ청년의사)." width="800" height="440" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img" data-recalc-dims="1"/>
The Seoul Council of Representatives held a regular general meeting of representatives on the 25th and reaffirmed their will to suspend the Nursing Act and the Medical Personnel License Revocation Act (ⓒYoung Doctors).

The KMA executive branch also expressed its will to continue fighting. Vice Chairman Lee Jeong-geun, who attended in place of Chairman Lee Pil-soo, said, “In addition to the Nursing Act and the Licensing Act, there are bills related to the rights and interests of members, such as the Simplifying Casualty Insurance Claims and the Special Judiciary Act. The Police Act, are proposed or pending.” We will do our best not to go against the expectations of our 140,000 members a year.”

Kim Dong-seok, chairman of the Korea Medical Association, also appealed, “If 140,000 doctors become one, the political world will not be able to ignore us. Let’s unite together with the Emergency Committee of the Medical Association and the Medical Association with’ r decision that it can be solved, not a problem that cannot be solved.”

Delegates shouted slogans condemning the Democratic Party of Korea, which led the adoption of the Nursing Act, such as “Increasing confusion in the medical field,” “Cutting licenses for other occupations,” and “Wake up to individual processing.”

Seoul Metropolitan Council Health and Welfare Chairman Kang Seok-joo, who attended the general meeting, said in a congratulatory speech, “(The medical community) is experiencing legal difficulties and members of the Seoul Metropolitan Council are fighting for rights and interests, but the political world is fighting for party interests.” (As a member of the city council) I sympathize with the doctor’s thoughts. It’s time to have more fundamental discussions and concerns,” pointing out. Chairman Kang belongs to the power of the people.

On the other hand, the results of discussions by a sub-committee were reported at the general meeting.

The Laws and Bylaws Sub-Committee urged the Nursing Act and the Revocation of Licenses for Medical Personnel Act to ▲ Eliminate illegally run hospitals ▲ Eliminate excessive penalties for medical personnel ▲ Ensure a safe treatment environment ▲ Enact legislation through local medical associations when opening medical institutions ▲ Measures to eliminate unlicensed medical practice ▲ Internet It was suggested to stop reviewing platform hospitals and clinics.

In addition to responding to COVID-19, the Medical Affairs and Public Relations Subcommittee proposed ▲ reduce medical treatment functions in public health centers and related health centers ▲ convert heads of health centers to full-time positions ▲ comply with the September 4 Agreement ▲ abolish benefits herbal medicine and opposition to the use of medical devices by oriental doctors ▲measures for the supply and demand of nursing assistants, etc.

Insurance and Academic Subcommittee ▲ Realize health insurance fee ▲ Reflect infectious disease risk factor ▲ Prevent unreasonable reimbursement of non-reimbursement ▲ Eliminate notification standards for sample test load ▲ Abolish the system of selected medical benefit organization ▲ Improve number for disk and arthritis ▲ Foreigners and Koreans The separation of medical insurance was addressed as a major item on the agenda.

Some amendments to the Bylaws presented to the General Assembly by the Laws and Bylaws Sub-Committee were not addressed due to a lack of quorum as only 67 out of 181 representatives were present. The submission of the direct election system for president was rejected by the sub-committee.