
“I’ll give it a try”… Psy finds the netizen who suggested the album name

picture explanationPhoto|Star Today DB, Psy SNS

Singer Psy went out to find a netizen who suggested the name of his ninth album.

On the 30th, Psy posted on Instagram, “I’m looking for someone pio0****!!! If you contact me through P-Nation, I will give you a compliment!” along with a photo.

Psy captured and released a questionnaire for a navy intellectual in 2020. At the time, the author posted the title, “How about Psy’s 9th album, Cheap 9?” Then he said, “Are you okay? I suddenly thought of it.”

Psy released his 9th full-length album ‘Cheap 9’ on the 29th.

[양소영 스타투데이 기자]

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