
Import price index hit record high in March amid surge in oil prices… 7.3% increase

  • [텍사스 원유, 국제유가 <사진=뉴시스/신화>]

    The import price index jumped more than 7% last month due to a surge in international oil prices, reaching an all-time high.

    The Bank of Korea announced that the import price index for March was 148.80, the highest level since statistics were compiled.

    The increase was the largest in 13 years and 10 months since May 2008, at the time of the financial crisis, up 7.3% from February.

    It is analyzed that the rise in the import price index is due to the fact that the index of mineral products, primary metal products, and coal and petroleum products recorded the highest levels while international oil prices continued to rise.

    The export price index for March was 125.03, up 5.7% from February, the highest level in 12 years and 11 months.