
IMSS Pension 2023: How to request the disability pension?

Life is full of unforeseen events, everyone knows this. Suddenly, sudden accidents or illnesses could arise that could make it impossible for you to continue working in your company, this would mean a blow to your economy by not being able to generate income or carry out your activities as you used to. That is why the IMSS offers the payment of a pension for illness or disability, and here we tell you how to process it.

It is important to note that this procedure only applies if the company you work for is affiliated with the IMSS; likewise, the illness or disability that you present It must be endorsed by the corresponding medical personnel for the payment of this disability pension to take place.

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Requirements you must meet:

  • The insured must be current or within the period of conservation of rights at the time of ruling on disability.
  • For those who are under the Regime of the Social Security Law of 1973, the insured must prove the payment of 150 weekly contributions and for those who have the 1997 regime, the payment of quoted weeks will be 250 or, if the opinion determines a valuation of 75% or more, only then can it be credited with only 150 weeks.
  • You must have an ST-4 disability opinion, which must be issued by accredited medical services to certify disability.

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Documents to present in your IMSS delegation:

  • Pension application, which is filled out by the staff of the medical unit and the insured must sign
  • official identification
  • Document issued by the IMSS or an Afore that contains the Social Security Number and the name of the insured
  • Proof of address
  • Unique Population Registry Code
  • Certified copy of birth certificate
  • Disability opinion provided by the medical service
  • Statement of the Individual Account
  • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) with homoclave
  • Document in which the account number and Standardized Bank Code are identified so that the insured can receive his payment


The disability pension It is granted when the insured person cannot perform a job that generates remuneration greater than 50% of his salary during the last year through a job equal to the one he was performing and that the impossibility derives from a non-work-related illness or accident.



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