
Industry | Laughter is heavy, and it is expected that “Vowel Adventure” is too good at it! _Audience_Program_Technology

Original Title: Industry|There are a lot of laughs, and it is expected that “Vowel Adventure” is too good at it!

“All 6 of them came together so much fun.” “This is the first time I’ve seen a tech + entertainment variety show, and it’s pretty innovative.” The above comments are all from the innovative reality show virtual reality game iQIYI “Verbal Adventure” expected.

As soon as several Reuters tips came out, “Vowel Adventure” was out of the loop with the funny jokes of the guests and the elements with a sense of technology. This press conference revealed more attractive details. When it is interesting What kind of sparks will be produced by the integration of technology and technology?

As the world’s first virtual reality game innovative reality show, the scene where the guests of “Vowel Adventure” appeared in the show outfit “Motion Capture Suit” is also the first time a variety show appeared, with 6 well-dressed Qiqi’s “Motion Capture People” arrived on the scene, and was ridiculed by Zhang Yuqi as if she was attending the latest 2023 autumn clothes and long johns conference. After that, #张雨琪是知防动报衣的的#, #张雨琪说动超服是秋衣秋裤#, #威音大衣的的的#, #张雨琪说动足服是秋衣秋裤#, #威音大莆口秋 trigger at the top of the discussion topics, came to the top in the net discussions.

In addition, Zhang Yuqi said that Da Zhangwei was walking and twisting his hips, Qin Xiaoxian and Xu Mengjie’s “mutually disgusting” interaction, and the interaction between the little ghost and Xiao Jingteng#吃光波终#CP also makes the press conference very interesting. They also broke the news on the spot about some unknown “secrets behind the scenes” When the host asked Da Zhangwei and Qin Xiaoxian, the pair of enemies, whether the trust between the two was broke during the filming of the show, Qin Xiaoxian made no secret of his Sadness “broken into pieces”, Da Zhangwei not to be outdone, “now it has turned to powder, and friendship floating in the air. “

When asked why he “fell apart”, Da Zhangwei said, “Qin Xiaoxian is such a good boy, I didn’t ask him to believe me, he has to believe me”. Spreading hands and innocent expression made many netizens laugh.

In the game of accumulating power points on the spot, the 6 artists also “fight against wits and courage” over who yelled the answer first. 200 power points, enough to show how much trouble a few people had, and the media and the audience laughed. she loves it. Because of the quick calculation, #张雨琪数数好介绍常证安# topic was also at the top of the hot search, and even Qin Xiaoxian was still in a state of “ignorance” after the end of a question, and Xiaogui and Xiao Jingteng who couldn’t hold it just said that I was “doing my best”.

In the second round of the game, everyone’s explanations gradually became “irrational” The topic “WALL-E eats” was interpreted by everyone in various explanations, which made people laugh; , still justifying his actions, and was called by the audience that “Old Qin is talking nonsense at him”. In the later stage of the game, Da Zhangwei, Xiao Jingteng, and the little spirit Wang Linkai became “crazy”, imitating each other’s actions, and began to stage childish plays of “I can’t have the power value and you can’t get”. In order to show the 6 members’ implicit understanding of “Vowel Adventure”, they hoped to do the same action in the final title, but due to the uneven performance they failed in a second. Netizen comments of “I knew it would be like this” filled the screen.

When asked about the feelings of participating in “Vowel Adventure”, everyone agreed that it was “very new and very fun”, and even learned a lot of content that they are not familiar with. Da Zhangwei believes that “the audience will not be disappointed when they see our program.”; Xiao Jingteng also said, “You will see the silliest pictures of our artists and do very funny moves, so stay tuned.” The little spirit Wang Linkai even gave the show a high evaluation, “I think this is a trend, and I hope that with the progress of technology, there will be more steps like vowels.”

New ways to play national variety shows

Who does technology make green leaves for?

Unlike traditional variety show gameplay, “Vowel Adventure” abandons the original game mode that sticks to real space. With the blessing of technology, a new lunar space “MEMOON” is established, where illusion and reality coexist. The form of “immersive participation in the game + guest performance show” presents a refreshing viewing experience to the audience. During the press conference, the main director of the show, Chen Wei, worked part-time as a “tour guide” and took everyone to reveal the secrets behind the scenes.

From the regional attributes of cabins 1, 2, and 3, to the use of Copernicus windows pillars and landscapes; from the X space screen interaction format, to the brilliant MR/XR technology, all of them make the audience’s heart beat. . In addition, there is the most advanced motion capture lens in the world. In the large contact cabin, the mysterious guest Yang Di wears a motion capture suit and shows ecstasy dancing on the big screen “smiling” to many audiences. In order better let the audience understand the code of Technology, the main director Chen Wei directly used Yang Di as a model to introduce the start capture suit: there are 67 motion capture points all over the body, and the helmet gets powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon chip. expressions are still pretty and alive.” Netizens said one after another, “Director Chen understands the significance”.


“Vowel Adventure” is a program where the overall number of engineers, visual designers, and animation designers is 6 times greater than the director team. This is the first game to be completed through a large number of virtual motion capture technologies, connecting the real world and the digital world seamlessly Rising is the key to unlocking the new world of the Metaverse. Qualcomm Snapdragon and Baidu technical teams were also invited to improve the quality of the program, the quality is reliable, and the freshness of the combination of virtual and real locations raised the audience’s appetite.

small connecting cabin

But no matter how advanced and fancy the technology is, “Vowel Adventure” has never forgotten its original intention: to serve the content and experience of the audience, and the variety show is to make everyone happy. Chen Wei also said at the press conference, “We didn’t want to make the audience feel that this is a high-tech program through the press conference or presentation. It can be a more immersive experience.” There are endless variety shows on the market, but there aren’t many national variety shows that can be a stress-relieving meal. After the presentation of the press conference, netizens left messages, “I can’t think of such a high variety show. Easy” and “the next dark horse in the national variety show”.

“Breakthrough” Adventure

iQiyi has introduced the old and brought out the new

In the first three quarters of the variety show market of 2022, the old variety shows were weak and the new variety shows were difficult to succeed. In the face of many “lack of innovation” comments, iQIYI’s “Vowel Adventure” opened with a new form, creativity, and expression.Opening the gate of the variety show market in the Q4 quarter, the groundbreaking reality show will undoubtedly inject fresh blood into the currently sluggish variety show market.

Adhering to the spirit of “to create, not to follow”, the iQIYI variety show team is on the road to explore. “Vowel Adventure” is not only a game adventure for artists in the virtual age, but also an adventure for the iQIYI team to explore new entertainment and production methods. Driven by technology, it breaks the dilemma of homogenization of reality shows, allowing everyone to find in advance that entertainment and social interaction can become more interesting in the virtual era of the future, with the help of various new technologies. With continuous innovation, it will bring the simplest and most unexpected relaxation and happiness to the audience.Return to Sohu to see more