
“Instead of sugar that raises blood sugar [식탐]”- Herald Economics


[헤럴드경제=육성연 기자]There are various reasons for enjoying sweet foods in daily life, such as a habit or the thought that eating sweets makes you feel better. However, excessive sugar intake raises the risk of various diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes by causing problems with insulin metabolism. There is also an Australian study (2016) that ‘sugar addiction’ alters the structure of the brain’s nerves.

In order to avoid ‘sugar addiction’, which is difficult to get out of once indulged, it is helpful to find a ‘healthy sweetness’ rather than quitting the sweet taste unconditionally. It is a method to get used to the natural sweetness by using natural ingredients instead of processed refined sugar or artificial sweeteners.

nectar tea harvest [연합뉴스]

nectar tea= Gamrocha is a native herbal tea made from the leaves of hydrangea tea. Although the fresh leaves have a weak sweet taste, the bitterness disappears through the manufacturing process of drying them, and the unique mint flavor sweet taste is strengthened. It has a much higher sugar content than sugar, so it is attracting attention as a sugar substitute for agricultural products. It contains various antioxidants along with phyllodulcin, which gives a sweet taste, and has the effect of reducing the smell of food during cooking.

In particular, since the sweet taste of nectar tea is non-sugar sweetness without sugar, it is used as a natural sweetener for foods such as kimchi, red pepper paste, and soy sauce as well as unsweetened health tea for those who avoid sugar intake.

agave syrup= Agave syrup has a glycemic index of about one-third that of sugar, but its sugar content is about 1.5 times higher. Also, it has only half the calories of sugar. It is convenient because it does not have a high viscosity like honey, so it does not harden even after using it for a long time.

oligosaccharideThe most commonly used sugar substitute is oligosaccharides. It is a carbohydrate combined with monosaccharides such as glucose, fructose, and galactose, and is a natural sweetener found in small amounts in all plants.

According to the raw material, the types in circulation are divided into isomaltooligosaccharide and fructooligosaccharide. Since isomaltooligosaccharide is made from grains such as rice or corn, the content of raw sugar (sugar) is 0%. Because of its strong heat, it is mainly used for baking and stir-frying. On the other hand, fructooligosaccharides are oligosaccharides made from sugarcane, and are rich in dietary fiber and have fewer calories than isomaltooligosaccharides. It is weak against heat and acid, so it is better for cold foods such as salads than high temperature cooking or cooking with plum soup.


onion sugar= Onion sugar, made by boiling onions, can be used as a healthy seasoning because onions become sweeter when cooked. Add the sliced ​​onion and water enough to submerge the onion in a frying pan and boil it until it becomes jam-shaped. Onion sugar is rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber and can be stored for a long time. In particular, it can help improve cholesterol levels.

natural fruit juiceLeftover fruit in the refrigerator is also a great sugar substitute. Even if it is not in the form of jam that has been simmered with sugar, juice made from ground fruits can also serve as a seasoning. It is also a way to replenish vitamins that are easily lacking. Grind pineapple, apple, blueberry, pear, kiwi, etc. to extract the juice and use it for stir-frying, salad, or pasta sauce.