
iPhone 13 series supports dual eSIM. Because the physical SIM is also dual … Total quad SIM? #AppleEvent | Gizmodo Japan

How to use it.

iPhone 13 series is the first iPhoneDual eSIMIt corresponded to. Originally dual SIM was possible, but this is the first time for two lines with eSIM. Isn’t IIJ or something careless?

Image: Apple

Just the other day, DoCoMo, Softbank, and KDDI’s three major domestic carriers announced that they may not be able to make calls to emergency services if they use dual SIM on an eSIM-compatible iPhone, and I just want to be careful. It seems to be a problem peculiar to iPhone, and I am wondering what kind of problem will occur with dual eSIM. This convenient function you want to master.

Source: Apple, DoCoMo, Softbank, KDDI