
Is your face refreshing to see? Takaya Kai Takuya succeeds in weight loss by “cutting off cola” at night “continue” | Full-Count

“I want to be more strict and want to improve my level.”

On the 16th, catcher Takuya Kai of Softbank revealed to the press the voluntary training to be held in the local city of Oita. Eight catchers from 6 teams, including Yakult’s Motohiro Shima and his junior Takashi Umino, gathered for a hard menu with a strengthening menu, throwing practice, and over 2 hours of batting practice.

“Last year was a disappointing season, and I thought it wouldn’t work as it is now. I want to be more strict with voluntary training in the midst of wanting to grow further, and I want to seek and improve my level.” I cut it and sweated to practice. In batting practice, he worked hard to practice with the aim, such as thorough right-handed batting.

As I gained weight in the latter half of the season, I can see the tanned expression of Kai who was working on weight loss during the autumn camp. Regarding the current weight, he did not reveal that “I will leave it to your imagination”, but the expression is clear. Off is “cut off cola”. I loved it almost every night, but I reduced it to once a week and reduced carbohydrates such as white rice at dinner.

It seems that he has achieved the target of 5 kg reduction, “I am doing more running and I am doing it without problems. I am able to use my body and there is no problem. I have lost weight and I am continuing to do it.” Smiley. During the lunch break, he also showed his thoughts on putting chicken and fried chicken, which are local specialties of Oita, into the press.

“Beyond myself is the number one theme,” says Kai, who is practicing. From last season to a new appearance. We will challenge the 2022 season with a new look and content.

(Yusuke Fukutani)
