
Italian national airline flight attendants take off their uniforms and stand in a plaza ‘unfair’

Despite constant protests, nothing has been properly resolved

↑ Photo = CNN capture

Italy’s new national airline, Italian Air Transport (ITA), flew last week, but within a week things went badly after it met with a complaint from employees.

According to CNN reports on the 23rd (local time), female flight attendants of ITA Airlines stood in Piazza Campidoglio in their underwear while taking off the uniform of Alitalia, a warrior of ITA Airlines, to protest job loss and pay cuts. told

According to the protest, about 50 former female flight attendants in Alitalia uniforms appeared in Piazza Campidoglio, shouting “We are Alitalia,” to ensure job security and to cancel the pay cuts.

They claimed that they were affiliated with Alitalia and now have been transferred to ITA Airlines, but the salaries of the existing Alitalia employees have been cut and there is no proper division of duties.

According to Reuters, of Alitalia’s 10,500 employees, only 2,800 have new employment contracts with ITA Airlines.

Alitalia’s employees have been constantly protesting this, but nothing has been resolved.

However, ITA president Alfredo Altavila also called the protest a “national shame” and said, “Alitalia employees agree to the current working conditions.

did. Negotiations on the contract have already been concluded and Alitalia has signed the contract.”

Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Alitalia has 52 out of 110 aircraft, and by the end of 2025, by the end of 2025, Alitalia has announced a plan to become a medium-sized airline with 105 flights and up to 5,700 employees. There is.

