
Japan in the shock of Omicron… New confirmed cases soared 40 times in 2 weeks

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

In Japan, where Omicron, a highly contagious mutation of COVID-19, is sweeping away, the number of new COVID-19 cases has increased 40-fold in two weeks. From 500 on the first day of the new year to 20,000 on the 14th.

According to Kyodo News and NHK Broadcasting, there were 22,045 new confirmed cases across Japan on the 14th (as of 6 pm). It was the first time in about four months since September 1 of last year that the number recorded 20,000.

The number of new confirmed cases increased from 500 on the 1st to 1,000 in 3 days, and to 10,000 (13,244) on the 12th, 8 days later. In two days, it again increased to 20,000.

Currently, it is estimated that 9 out of 10 new cases in Japan are infected with Omicron.

[최기성 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]