
Jeongjin Seo, honorary chairman of Celltrion Group, returns to management after two years |

Celltrion Group held board meetings for all companies on the 3rd to recommend honorary chairman Seo Jeong-jin as a candidate for executive director and co-chairman of the board of directors of Celltrion Holdings, the three listed companies within Celltrion Group, Celltrion , Celltrion Healthcare , and Celltrion Pharmaceuticals, for a term of two years

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Seo Jeong-jin, CEO of Celltrion

Celltrion Group’s proposal to appoint honorary chairman Seo as executive director and co-chairman of the board of directors, which was passed this time, is a temporary recommendation from the group’s founder, honorary chairman, Seo, to the current management, which goes in pursuit of overcoming the crisis and reorganizing future strategies amid growing uncertainty in the global economy It was said to have been introduced as a result of a strong request for a return to control.

Honorary Chairman Seo’s appointment as internal director and co-chairman of each company’s board of directors will be terminated with the approval of each company’s meeting of shareholders and board of directors, which will be held on March 28.

In March 2021, Honorary Chairman Seo resigned from the front line of management and promised to return to his current position as ‘fireman’ if there was a drastic change in the environment around the group.

Regarding the background promoting Honorary Chairman Seo’s return to management, Celltrion Group said, “The fact that the global economic crisis is showing a more serious aspect than originally expected and that 2023 is an important starting point for a global market Celltrion Group. share expansion played a big part.”

In particular, in a situation where every effort is being made to create a sustainable growth engine in the United States, the world’s largest pharmaceutical market, Honorary Chairman Seo, as co-chairman, launches major products in the United States promptly and makes decisions on key issues necessary to align the local distribution network.

Follow-up biosimilar products such as Begzelma (CT-P16) and Uplyma (CT-P17), now released in Europe, are close to approval and release in the United States, and Celltrion’s direct sales system Healthcare in the US is also in full swing. is preparing

In addition, given the fact that Remsima SC, a next-generation strategic product that is already rapidly expanding its market share in Europe, has applied for US FDA item approval in December 2022 and is expected to be approved at the end of this year, Seo’s charismatic The current management judged that leadership would greatly help Celltrion Group secure a foothold for growth in the US.

In addition, Celltrion, which is in charge of the development and production of bioproducts within the group, aims to make 2023 the first year to establish itself as a new drug development company by securing new drug pipelines based on antibodies and new formulations . gives much hope to the vision of Honorary Chairman Seo, who pushed forward with the biosimilar business, who was unfamiliar with the name, and eventually established Celltrion as one of the best biosimilar development and sales companies’ the world in name and reality.

Recently, Celltrion is expanding its steps to secure product development platforms and pipelines by conducting open innovation with domestic and foreign companies in various fields such as new antibody treatment, ADC anticancer drug, bispecific antibody, microbiome, and oral antibody treatment. To this end, it plans to complete the global biotechnology research center in the first half of the year to focus on new drug research and development capabilities and accelerate the process of securing new growth engines for pipeline expansion.

Celltrion Healthcare also recently appointed Thomas Nusswickel, who has extensive experience in biosimilar business success at Amgen and Pfizer, as chief business officer (CCO) of the US corporation, and recruited a large number of local executives from global pharmaceutical companies. wide to increase the size. from the local corporation to about 50. It begins in earnest to establish a direct sales system in the United States, such as expanding to .

An official from Grŵp Celltrion said, “In a situation where many major issues are pending, such as the approval and launch of strategic products, securing new drug pipelines, and mergers of related companies, as well as the economic crisis. , the speedy judgment and decision of honorable chairman Suh is urgently needed.” With the approval of the general shareholders’ meeting and the board of directors and the final confirmation of this appointment, the unique leadership of the honorary chairman is expected to overcome the global economic crisis and further, use the crisis as an opportunity to lay the foundation for sustainable growth in the future. It will be a great help.”