
just!Li Chen’s studio refutes rumors… | Daily Economic News

This morning, in response to the online post of the well-known entertainment blogger “Tie Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang”, Li Chen Studio issued a statement:

It’s pure rumors! The Internet is not an illegal place. Our studio resolutely defends Mr. Li Chen’s legitimate rights and interests through legal means, and will never tolerate it.​

Subsequently, Weibo blogger “Tiejiangjiangjiangjiang” posted a response to the matter.

Let’s respond:

1. The content comes from the[Certified Official Account of Xinglai Law Firm][Zhao Yunheng on the big defense column]Chapter 37 released yesterday

2. The article is submitted by a netizen, and the official account is subject to authentication. I have also checked some information about the author of the article, Zhao Yunheng, and made a basic judgment on the authenticity of the content.

3. The original Weibo copy is only a summary and sorting of the article. To avoid greater impact, it has now been deleted.

The truth of the matter remains to be determined. If the content of the original article is not true, I am very sorry for the influence caused by the two parties.

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