
Kim Bo-ra refutes allegations of drunk driving driving with Kim Sae-ron… “I am?”

Actor Kim Bo-ra refuted the allegation that he was riding in the car of Kim Sae-ron, who was charged with drunk driving.

On the 18th, Kim Bo-ra posted an emoticon with an absurd face along with the words “Is it me?” through her Instagram story function.

Earlier, while driving in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Kim Sae-ron ran into a structure and fled. Police responded to the report and tried to measure his blood alcohol level, but Kim Sae-ron refused and took blood at a nearby hospital.

Afterwards, it was reported that there was a female passenger in her 20s in Kim Sae-ron’s car. Some netizens raised suspicions that he was the passenger in the car based on the photo of Kim Bo-ra, who posted a photo taken with Kim Sae-ron on the 17th. It seems that Kim Bo-ra explained this indirectly.

Kim Bo-ra is starring in the movie ‘Oksu Station Ghost’.

[양소영 스타투데이 기자]

Photo|Bora Kim SNS

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]