
Kim Min-ah “One more time with the best man I slept with”… ’19 Gold Wishes’ burn to the ground

Studio Waffle YouTube channel video capture © News1

Broadcaster Minah Kim brought laughter with her 19-gold talk that crossed the water level.

On the 26th, Kim Min-ah appeared as a guest in ‘The Wheeled Mouth EP.11’, which was released on the Studio Waffle YouTube channel.

At the end of the video, the performers had a conversation on the topic of ‘An hour before the end of the world’.

Regarding the subject, Lee Yong-jin first said, “I feel like I’m going to die at that very moment an hour before that.”

When the performers were very puzzled, they said, “It just feels like losing to others,” causing laughter.

Also, Minah Kim started a talk on the 19th, saying, “I’m going to die one last time with the best man I’ve ever slept with, so let’s do it one more time.”

After hearing this, Lee Yong-jin said, “No, I don’t have time,” and when the situation play started, Kim Min-ah said, “Why?

Kim Min-ah burst into laughter once again by showing the performers bewildered by the sudden tension, saying, “It was like this from the beginning. Why is it all of a sudden?”

Finally, if the end of the world comes an hour before the end of the world, Kwak Tube said, “I will watch ‘Mouth on Wheels’.”

Meanwhile, while talking with a middle school student while appearing on the YouTube channel broadcast ‘What the Back Season 2’ in the past, Minah Kim was caught up in the controversy over sexual harassment of minors by remarks such as “Where do you put your energy at a time when you have a lot of energy” and “What do you do when you are alone” has been engulfed

At that time, Minah Kim apologized to the students and guardians for the remarks, and then left the YouTube channel she was appearing on and the program she was scheduled to appear on.