
Kim Seon-ho’s college classmate refutes personality controversy

A photo posted by Kim Seon-ho and the author of a college classmate (Photo-Online Community)

Actor Kim Seon-ho’s college classmate gave another position regarding personality.

On the 17th, in an online community, Mr. A, who claimed to be Kim Seon-ho’s college classmate, wrote a long text along with a few photos.

Mr. A, who went to college with Kim Seon-ho, attended some classes together, and also produced plays, said, “During the days of Seoul Institute of the Arts, he liked to drink, he liked clubs, and there was an article saying that he had a lot of women as he is now, but at least I The person I saw and experienced in college, Seon-ho Kim, was a different person from the content of the article,” he explained.

He continued, “Kim Seon-ho is a great benefactor to me,” and said, “I received help from Kim Seon-ho three times in two years.”

Person A said, “During the production of the play, I was scolded by the professor for several hours for acting and the atmosphere became serious, Kim Seon-ho, who stayed and practiced, took me out with permission and comforted me and gave me advice, saying, ‘It’s just the professor’s way of talking’. Thanks He said, “I got through a dangerous time and finished the project well.”

He continued, “In an incident that almost caused a violent argument with a drunken school student, Kim Seon-ho appeared and stopped the fight.” “He sat me down and gave me mental education. There’s nothing good about fighting. Thanks to Kim Seon-ho, it went well without a big fight,” he recalled.

Mr. A said, “It seems like a small thing in writing, but I can’t put a lot of content in a short article.” “Kim Seon-ho has no obligation or responsibility to help me, but he always helped me just because I said that I wanted to be friendly first. At least In the two years I’ve seen, I haven’t seen any angry faces, and I didn’t try to swear or punch them because they didn’t agree with me.”

Finally, “I want to tell you that actress Kim Seon-ho wasn’t like that when I was in college,” he said. Certified.
