
Lee Jae-myung “I saw Sam-sik because of his nickname, but he was involved in a gangster?… I laughed out loud”

picture explanation[사진 출처 = 이재명 대선 후보 페이스북 캡처]

Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung countered the opposition’s offensive of ‘gangster involvement’, saying, “It’s hard to hold back laughter.”

On the 30th, Candidate Lee wrote on his Facebook page, “The scene where I went out to the grocery store to avoid hearing about three meals is the basis for the gangster involvement.”

To get rid of the nickname ‘three meals a day’ (a person who eats three meals a day at home), which was created while appearing on an entertainment program 4 years ago, after work, I ate out with my wife in front of the house, and then stopped by the market to see the new shop. Candidate Lee explained that this was a ‘visit to a gang-operated store’.

Candidate Lee continued, “The people’s power and some conservative media are using false rumors to force the gangster involvement. What is a photo of a visit to Rado Daeyaji Market, and what is a customary photo of a celebration?” he asked.

He added, “Even the power of the people makes false allegations of gang gang involvement, claiming that they took a photo of a check for a stone ring taken by a drug fraudster and gave it to me.

Candidate Lee also emphasized, “I will tear it apart step by step,” and “I will trust only the wise people and move forward.”

[김승한 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
