
‘Lee Jae-myung not guilty’ Former Supreme Court Justice Kwon Soon-il, after resignation, was tortured by Daejang-dong’s ‘Hwacheon Daeyu’

Former Supreme Court Justice Kwon Soon-il / Reporter Kang Jin-hyeong aymsdream@

湲 蹂肄

[아시아경제 김대현 기자] It has been found that former Supreme Court Justice Kwon Soon-il (62) is an advisor to Hwacheon Daeyu Asset Management (Hwacheon Daeyu), an asset management company for a public development project in Daejang-dong, Seongnam-si, promoted by Gyeonggi Governor Jae-myung Lee while he was in office as Seongnam Mayor. Former Supreme Court Justice Kwon is the person who expressed an opinion to the effect of not guilty in the Supreme Court’s all-in-one consensus judgment on the charge of publishing false information under the Public Official Election Act of Governor Lee.

According to the legal community on the 16th, former Supreme Court Justice Kwon is currently serving as an advisor to Hwacheon Daeyu. he is On July 16 last year, the Supreme Court all agreed with the majority opinion when the Supreme Court dismissed and remanded Governor Lee’s case of violating the Public Official Election Act with the intent of not guilty.

Previously, former special prosecutor Park Young-soo and others were reported to have served as advisors to Hwacheon Daeyu. It was confirmed that the daughter of former special prosecutor Park and the son of Kwak Sang-do, a member of the People’s Strength Council, also worked for Hwacheon Daeyu. It is reported that the owner of Hwacheon Daeyu, who was a former media executive, became close when he was a lawyer. Hwacheon Daeyu claims that it has only hired lawyers from the past to provide legal advice.

In this regard, it is known that former Supreme Court Justice Kwon’s position was that he accepted the advisory position after receiving a proposal from Mr. Regarding the recently raised suspicion of preferential treatment for the Daejang-dong development project, he said, “I do not know at all.”

Daejang-dong Urban Development is a project that developed 5903 households on a site of about 910,000 square meters in Daejang-dong, Seongnam-si, at an investment of KRW 1.15 trillion. A special purpose corporation (SPC) ‘Seongnam’s Garden’ was in charge of the implementation, and Mr. A participated as a private investor in Hwacheon Daeyu, the actual owner.

This branch has been promoting related projects since 2015 by converting the project that had been promoted as a private development into a public development after taking office as the mayor. However, recently, it was known that Hwacheon Daewoo invested 50 million won in capital and received 57.7 billion won in dividends over three years, causing controversy.

By Kim Dae-hyun, staff reporter

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