
Lee Jae-myung “Why are you doing this, it’s really frustrating” Criticism of the government’s small business policy


Then there is the political news.

With the official inauguration of the People’s Power Electoral Commission, both one-party and two-party systems have now become the presidential election campaign system in earnest.

Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung, who focused on measures for people’s livelihoods with the coronavirus, has issued a message that is quite critical of the government’s policy now.

Reporter Son Seo-young reports.


Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung presides over the National Election Countermeasures Committee with small business owners.

I heard the appeals of small business owners.

[이재윤/미용업 소상공인 : “방역지침 같은 것들이 한번 뉴스로 떨어지면 그 다음에 손님이 한 명도 없어요. 그런데 그런 것을 1년 6개월을 버텼거든요.”]

[박소연/음식업 소상공인 : “배달 앱 없이는 가게를 운영할 수 없을 정도로 배달 앱 비중이 커졌습니다. 수수료를 올리면 올리는 대로, 제도를 마음대로 바꾸면 바꾸는 대로 따라야 하는…”]

Candidate Lee criticized the government’s support measures as if determined, saying that damage caused by strengthening quarantine guidelines should be fully compensated.

The success of the K quarantine is attributable to the sacrifice of small businesses, but the government’s support is insufficient.

[이재명/민주당 대선후보 : “정말 쥐꼬립니다, 쥐꼬리. 정부가 자기 책임을 다하지 않은 거죠. 결국 국민 개개인에게 부담시킨 겁니다.”]

In particular, he pinpointed the Ministry of Finance and said it was frustrating, and emphasized that the Lee Jae-myung administration would be different.

[이재명/민주당 대선후보 : “국가의 의무를 개인에게 떠넘겨가지고 개인의 빚을 늘리고, 개인을 고통스럽게 하고, 눈물짓게 하는 일은 결코 없을 거라는…”]

It also seems to be intended to take the initiative in issues of livelihood such as small business owners and the self-employed, and to maintain a policy distance from the current government.

In a later interview, Lee also expressed that if there is a clear new Democratic candidate, it will be a replacement.

Candidate Lee recently sent a letter to all Democrats, urging them to show what the 169-seat ruling party can do right now.

Lee Jae-myung-pyo ordered legislation, but the Democratic Party decided to expedite the Real Estate Development Profit Recovery Act first.

This is Seo-Young Son from KBS News.

Cinematographer: Choi Yeon-song, Kim Min-jun / Video Editing: Choi Geun-hyuk