
Lee Se-young, “The actress I was interviewing when I was a reporter spit gum on my hand”

YouTube channel ‘Youngpyeong TV’ video capture © News 1

Comedian Lee Se-young, who was working as a reporter in her early twenties, exposed her shocking abuse about the actress.

On the 30th, Lee Se-young uploaded a video titled ‘The actress who spit gum in my hand’ on the YouTube channel ‘Youngpyeong TV’, which is run by her boyfriend.

On this day, Lee Se-young said, “I’m going to tell you an anecdote from my reporter activity. It’s still an unforgettable experience. As a reporter, the question is very important. The preparation process is really important to get a good answer.”

Lee Se-young, who had been a reporter for nearly two or three years, began to explain an anecdote, saying, “There were celebrities with really good manners, but there were also celebrities who were so (rude) that I wondered if I could do this to me as a person.”

Lee Se-young said, “I didn’t have a license and I was traveling on the subway. I was about 21. I went for an interview with an actor. It was a very long distance. It took about two and a half hours to get to the filming site, but there was another interview team, so I kept waiting.” He said he would give me time, so I prepared a question the day before, but suddenly the manager came and said, ‘Mr. XXX isn’t in good shape, so I think I’ll only have 10 minutes.”

He continued, “I prepared a 30-minute interview, and I had to cut it down to 10 minutes even though I wasn’t even experienced. I couldn’t. Even as a rookie, I couldn’t possibly get this interview out on the air.”

In particular, Lee Se-young said, “After it was over, I suddenly started to cry. Everything was sad. I apologized to the PD after it was over, but the PD-nim was originally speechless and awkward during the interview with that celebrity. He said it was okay. But I apologized to the PD. I saw the celebrity do it. Then he looked at me and said, ‘Why are you crying?’

That moment was not the end of the relationship between Lee Se-young and the actress. Lee Se-young said, “After a while, I went to a movie interview, and there was one of the cast members. That person must have remembered me, and of course I remembered her. Fortunately, there were other actors besides an exclusive interview with him. . Before the interview, I greeted each person, but he looked at me and didn’t greet me.” He confessed another anecdote.

Se-young Lee continued, “It was an open place. In the previous interview, he wasn’t chewing gum, but he was chewing gum during my interview turn. But I watched it. I was still chewing gum, so another actor I couldn’t see told me to spit it out, so he said that just then. I said, ‘Oh, where are you going to spit it?'” He said. “With the intention of doing well, I went to the front and held out my hand. From then on, he gave me a good interview to see if I was feeling better. I was holding the gum he spit in my hand for the entire 15 minutes of the interview. But the interview went really well. I had a special experience as a reporter.” pondered the

Netizens who saw the video commented, “Now that a lot of time has passed, I can talk comfortably, but I think it was really hard and upsetting at the time. I hope that only good things will happen to you in the future.” It’s so cool to be able to do it.” and “If you were going to spit on someone else’s hand, wouldn’t you just spit it on your own? It’s an angry content. Who the hell is that actor?”

Meanwhile, broadcaster Lee Se-young is running a YouTube channel she used to run with her Japanese boyfriend. However, on the 14th, he suddenly uploaded a video and said, “For the time being, I plan to run a channel alone without a boyfriend. I will tell you the reason through another video,” raising concerns from fans.