
Lee Soon-ja, the sole inheritance of Chun Doo-hwan… Excluding fines

95.6 billion in unpaid fines Inheritance not applicable
Memoir Son Bae Appellate Trial Deputy Succession

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▲ Mr. Lee Soon-ja.
yunhap news

It has been confirmed that Lee Soon-ja will inherit the legacy of former President Chun Doo-hwan. In addition, in a civil lawsuit related to the memoir filed by the late Father Jovio Lee, Mr. Lee will take over on behalf of her husband.

On the 30th, the Civil Affairs Division 2-2 (Chief Ingyu Choi) of the Gwangju High Court held an appeal hearing for a claim for damages filed by 4 May 18 organizations and Father Cho Young-dae’s bereaved family against Jeon and his son Jeon Jae-guk.

Due to the death of Mr. Jeon on November 23, last year, the procedure for succession of the lawsuit was necessary, and the lawsuit against his son Jeon was maintained. “The wife of the deceased defendant has decided to receive the status of the legal heir alone,” said Jeon’s lawyer, Jeong Joo-gyo.

At the trial held in December last year, the court ordered that the takeover procedure be completed by March 30 this year, when the final pleading was scheduled. The defendant wanted to finish the procedural part on the next date after the final oral argument scheduled for that day, but it was not accepted. Accordingly, the plaintiff submitted an application to take over the lawsuit and decided to hold a final argument after completing the takeover procedure, and the court ordered the plaintiff to change the purpose of claiming alimony according to the takeover of the lawsuit and submit an opinion on the subject of publication prohibition.

Meanwhile, Lee inherits Jeon’s inheritance alone, but avoids responsibility for his fine. Jeon died without paying 95.6 billion won, or 43% of the 220.5 billion won in fines, because, unlike debts under the current law, fines or fines are not subject to inheritance. The criminal trial for defamation of a lion related to Chun’s memoirs was dismissed following the death of Chun.

Reporter Hong Haeng-gi, Gwangju