
Let’s go to the forest to get negative ions – Sciencetimes

Various kinds of false information circulate on the Internet, a sea of ​​anonymity. Disinformation feeds on the curiosity of those seeking more provocative information and spreads quickly, and disinformation that has passed through many people’s mouths is soon regarded as true along with pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. Since science is a science based on facts, it must be possible to distinguish them. Just as irritating and fun doesn’t mean it’s true, just because it’s not funny doesn’t mean you need to stop paying attention.

In 「Sata’s Pseudo-Science & Conspiracy Theory Removal」 series, we try to examine pseudo-science and conspiracy theories that are not scientifically verified or based on science. This article is the second series of 「Sata’s pseudo science & conspiracy theories」 series, and examines pseudo science and conspiracy theories related to physics and chemistry. Physics and chemistry-related science and conspiracy theories that are common around us include the efficacy of certain elements and far-infrared rays, negative ions and health, pseudo-science related to electromagnetic wave blocking, and hydrogen water.

we don’t need germanium bracelets
– Efficacy of specific elements and far-infrared rays

Germanium (former name: germanium) is a carbon group element belonging to group 14 of the periodic table, and as its name suggests, it was first discovered in Germany. Germanium is an element mainly used in optical fibers and is also used in optical devices.

In the late 1970s, for some reason, rumors began to circulate in Japan that germanium oxide was good for health. At the same time, it began to be sold as an edible supplement containing germanium for reasons such as improving blood circulation. After that, similar rumors began to circulate in Korea, and Germanium bracelets and necklaces that were said to help improve blood circulation and strengthen immunity began to appear. The problem is that none of the scientific efficacy of germanium ornaments that sell well at high prices (germanium is originally an expensive element) has not been proven.

Germanium © Jurii

The part that Germanium ornaments are known to be good for is the emission of far-infrared rays and negative ions. Far-infrared rays refer to infrared rays with a long wavelength, and the wavelength is usually about 15 μm to 1 mm. Such far-infrared rays can give a warming effect to the human body. The thermal effect can help our body, such as increasing blood flow and helping to promote metabolism. There are also studies showing that it helps relieve pain in patients with rheumatism and breathes in asthma patients. The problem is that you can get far more far-infrared rays from the light emitted by the stars. In other words, the sun, the closest star to our planet, emits far-infrared rays every day. So we don’t need germanium bracelets.

Far-infrared rays are long-wavelength infrared rays and can be obtained through sunlight. ©

Food supplements are also very dangerous. According to the ‘Risk Assessment of Germanium Supplements’ published in 1997 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the consumption of germanium as a dietary supplement could be quite dangerous. In fact, there have been reports of neurological diseases in people who have taken germanium for a long time.

If you want to get negative ions, go to the forest.
– Negative ions and health related

Anion is an ionized state where an atom gains an additional electron and becomes negatively charged. It is a very unstable state. Negative ions are usually emitted near waterfalls, in fast-flowing valleys, and in forests. Water falls due to gravity, and electrical energy is generated as much as the change in potential energy. It is known that electrical energy acts on atoms and negative ions are released into the air. In forests, coniferous and broad-leaved forests such as pine (higher emissions from coniferous forests) absorb carbon dioxide and release many negative ions in the process of making oxygen. It is known that hundreds to thousands of negative ions per cc of air are usually distributed near forests or waterfalls, and for this reason, people can feel the freshness of the air as soon as they enter the forest.

If you want to get negative ions, let’s go to the forest! © Todd Murray

As research results are known that these negative ions are also beneficial to health, derivatives are being launched by combining negative ion generators with various home appliances. The Germanium bracelet mentioned above is also sold with anions added to it.

The problem is that commercially available negative ion generators apply a high voltage to a charging plate made of metal and emit negative ions from the metal. The amount of anion generated through this is not precisely known, and even if it occurs, the unstable ion state is immediately combined with the cation and neutralized as described above. Therefore, it is very difficult to see the effect of negative ions as in the promotional content, and there is no scientifically proven content yet. Even an anion is difficult to expect from a germanium bracelet. This is because germanium in its natural state hardly generates negative ions.

Also, negative ions are not necessarily good. This is because every atom or molecule in the world can be an anion. As a result, if you want to get good negative ions, it may be much better to go to a forest or near a waterfall and get some good air.

Electromagnetic waves generated in our daily life environment are very low.
– Related to electromagnetic wave blocking of specific products

There is an electromagnetic wave blocking sticker provided with the purchase of a mobile phone. In addition, charcoal and cactus are advertised as having the effect of blocking or reducing electromagnetic waves emitted from microwave ovens. In conclusion, it is difficult to obtain the effect of reducing or blocking electromagnetic waves through these.

First of all, since cactus is a plant made of water, some of the 2.45 GHz electromagnetic wave can be absorbed. It is said that there is almost no electromagnetic wave emitted from the range to the outside. Even if electromagnetic waves are emitted, most of them are not a problem as long as you keep a safe distance (about 30cm) because of the physical characteristics of electromagnetic waves that decrease rapidly with distance. In addition, if electricity is used, electromagnetic waves are also generated from wires or products themselves, but the intensity of these electromagnetic waves is very small, and it turns out that it is not a problem at all even if it is a little far away.

Diet is important to eliminate free radicals
-What is hydrogen water?

There is hydrogenated water in which hydrogen is added to water. It is known that hydrogen in hydrogen water meets oxygen and becomes water to remove active oxygen, but the scientific evidence for the above claim is very lacking. First of all, hydrogen is a non-polar molecule and does not dissolve well in water, and even if hydrogen water is made, the amount of hydrogen contained is very small. Also, just because oxygen and hydrogen meet, water is not unconditionally formed. This is because hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules are already in a stable state, and they need more than a certain amount of energy to break the stable bond and become water molecules. Usually, the energy required for the experiment to make water from hydrogen and oxygen is supplied in the form of heat, so it can only be converted into water molecules when very dangerous situations are involved.

Hydrogen is a non-polar molecule and does not dissolve well in water. © Adobe Stock-Bilder

The function they claim to reduce the risk of free radicals is also not scientifically explained. This is because hydrogen gas cannot stabilize active oxygen, a radical containing oxygen. In addition, an enormous amount of hydrogen is required for the above reaction to occur effectively. Therefore, in order to get rid of free radicals, it is much better to quit smoking, take a diet containing antioxidants (carrots, tomatoes, spinach, etc.), and take beta-carotene and vitamin C, which are abundant in green and yellow vegetables.

In 2019, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of the Republic of Korea also announced that there was no clinical or academic evidence for the treatment effect of hydrogen-containing beverages.

* In “Sata’s pseudo-science & conspiracy theories breaking” series, we look at pseudo-science and conspiracy theories that have not been scientifically verified or based on science.

Sata’s pseudo-science & conspiracy theory Tapa series (1) Astronomy related – Lunar exploration conspiracy theory, flat earth theory, young earth theory

Sata’s pseudoscience & conspiracy theories tapaseries (2) related to physics and chemistry – Efficacy of specific elements and far-infrared rays, negative ions and health, pseudo science related to electromagnetic wave blocking, hydrogen water

Sata’s pseudo-science & conspiracy theory Tapa series (3) Biology/Medicine related – Sasang Medicine, Myunghyeon reaction, various folk remedies, health of negative ions

Sata’s pseudoscience & conspiracy theory Tapa series (4) Food related – Is MSG/Gluten/GMO Harmful to Human Body?, Correlation between Collagen Intake and Skin Health, Can Detox Juice Really Help?

Sata’s pseudoscience & conspiracy theories tapaseries (5) related to eugenics – our beloved MBTI and blood type

Sata’s pseudoscience & conspiracy theories Tapaseries (6) Other
