
Lianya Biotechnology is involved in insider trading doubts, Dong Zuo: do not agree with short-term copying to strengthen training of colleagues | Anue Juheng

The vaccine factory Lianya Biotechnology and its subsidiary Lianya Pharmaceutical (6562-TW) were involved in the suspicion of insider trading. In this regard, Wang Changyi, chairman of Lianya Biotechnology, emphasized that he does not approve of short-term copying and will strengthen legal education and training for colleagues.

Wang Changyi pointed out that it was not until the morning of yesterday (14) that the company issued stocks to employees in May 2015. However, after Lianya Pharmaceuticals entered the cabinet, the company could not restrict employees from selling stocks. Basically, the company encourages colleagues to invest in the long-term and coexist and prosper with the company, and never approve of short-term copying. In the future, it will continue to strengthen the education and training of colleagues in legal compliance.

In the middle of last year, Lianya Pharmaceutical was listed on the market. In addition, Lianya Biotech’s new crown vaccine announced the interim report of the phase II clinical trial. The stock price fluctuated sharply, and the outside world questioned the suspicion of insider trading; and the Hsinchu City Prosecutor’s Office started investigation and summoned Lianya Biotechnology. A total of 17 people from the management level and relevant witnesses, including the executive deputy general manager Peng Wenjun and the director surnamed Fu, came to the case to explain.

The Hsinchu District Prosecutor’s Office pointed out that Peng Wenjun and the director of the surname Fu were suspected of violating the Securities Exchange Law.

Lianya Pharmaceutical issued a heavy message. The Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice investigated the securities and exchange law cases involving some employees and went to the company and its parent company, Lianya Biotechnology, to investigate matters. Necessary information, in addition, this incident has no impact on the company’s financial business.