
‘Little Wa’ moves! Explain the clues of invading the house – attacking ‘Beer the Voice’, revealing that he is sick with bipolar

‘Little Wa’ moves! Explain the clues of invading the house – attacking ‘Beer the Voice’, revealing that he is sick with bipolar I have to apologize for entering into a bad fog in someone’s life. good luck finding someone good

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Another hot topic in the online world when Beer The Voice revealed that he had broken up with the young gamer W.N. and talked about being harassed by the other party. Home invasion, intimidation, and bodily harm until affecting the mental state

After that, “Wa Noi Wanoiz”, a young gamer who is an ex-boyfriend of Beer The Voice has come out to post a short message Posted on his personal Facebook page that… “I found the real thing Doing this is really pathetic hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha “Entertainment industry, huh?”

Recently, Wanoi Wanoiz issued a post explaining this issue. Please allow me to clarify from the post that is being discussed on social media. First of all, there is something that I would like to inform everyone that She is now suffering from bipolar disorder. and received treatment at the hospital One for a while before that Wa did not clarify. The disease is not yet ready to tell. Due to work reasons, Wa and P.B. have ended their relationship for a while. But still can talk to each other normally.

The incident happened on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 64. Wa had an appointment to see a psychiatrist. At a hospital in Bangkok to follow up on treatment results Wa had traveled from Kanchanaburi Province. At noon, Wah contacted P.B., which P.B. was aware of and the gym agreed to let him go in and collect his belongings. After finding a doctor Wa has left the hospital. and went to P’Bor’s house to carry his belongings At the house they used to live together Wa called my brother B. that is going

But when he reached the front of the village fence Wa called brother Bor. and no answer. Wait for a while therefore chose a fence gun to open the big gate (Inside the village fence that lives in the style of 8 townhouses) and took the car to park to carry things. When he reached the front of the house, Brother B. walked out and expressed his displeasure that the fence of the village came in.

In this section, Wah would like to clarify that “Wa just wants to come and get her things out and has to hurry back to Kanchanaburi for business. Wa had to apologize for being impulsive. Wa had no intention of entering any invasion. Wah just wants to unload and hurry back to Kan. Just keep it up

In regards to the matter that Brother B. has alleged that Wah had physically attacked and made such threatening remarks. Wah would like to clarify that While packing in the house, Wa and P.B. talked and talked and provoked each other until it spread to Wa’s parents. cause a quarrel Therefore, there was a slight collision depending on the mood at that time.

Wa wants everyone to see It’s an emotion for both parties. but as a man WA himself apologized very much in this respect. After the incident happened, P.B. informed the adults in Wah’s agency. which Wa would not disclose how the two sides had a conversation. to cause an impact on the work of the wa

Finally, I would like to thank P’B. for the past time that we have enjoyed together and I have to apologize for being a bad fog in someone’s life. After this, I wish P’Bor good luck to meet a good person and have hope in love in the future. **If there is a prosecution and a lawsuit from now on, Wah asks for information and evidence in court only **